
Eh. It's just a repetitive thing every year. New AC game announced, comments section immediately becomes, "Y NO FEMALE ASSASSIN!!11!" Nevermind that Aveline has already been a thing, but whatever.

I played CthulhuTech which, in one of its...submodules...or whatever is basically a mashup of Cthulhu and Evangelion and the New Earth Government sanctions the use of things called Engels to fight the rampaging horrors of the Elder Gods let loose upon the earth.

I'm not surprised you'd be drawn to MUDs. MUDs tend to be very insular, with tight-knit groups that tend to be very...groupthinky. In pretty much every MUD I ever played, semi-including the ones I played for several years, it was the same story over and over again: tiny tyrants with power and sensitive egos. They

We are talking about MUDs? Oh, why didn't you say so? It's simply been so long since I've played a MUD, they sort of slipped by because they don't really enter into the gaming vernacular commonly at this juncture. I was playing Hidden Worlds back in 7th and 8th grade. That would have been back in...Jesus...92/93?

No, I don't have all the knowledge in the world, but I do have well over a decade of experience, so I'm going to assume that counts for something. Oh, and a wife who games, and a ton of female gamer friends. I'm sure they are just statistical outlier, though.

Dead women held up by pipes and spears through their mouths? Oh, I assume you are talking about Bioshock? Hmm...did you realize that the entirety of Fort Frolic is filled with statues, at least some of whom are Cohen's (male) lovers that he turned to stone because he grew tired of them? Literally turned them into

Needs to hit chest day MUCH harder, imo.

Just be clear, you are perfectly okay with murdering countless numbers essentially nameless, backgroundless male-representative characters in something like Elder Scrolls, but when sex gets entered into the mix it somehow becomes taboo? Sexualization is a greater moral offense to you than murder, it seems. I mean,

And if he said, "I'm gonna kill some girl soon," would the assumption be that he was actually going to murder her? Do you really wanna go down the path of, "This is what this means in absolute terms that can never be construed any other way because words are absolutely literal." Really? If that's the case, I think

It was hyperbole. You know, literary device, exaggeration for effect? Even within this very article in the comments, someone said that not liking it was a pretext for misogyny. I've seen many of the fans say things similar. It's not entirely uncommon.

No, not really. I don't have any feelings about the game. It's not my cup of tea, I don't give two shits about it. If people like it, it's that great. However, that said, uh...there are maybe you should read some of these replies before accusing me of something? Like here, "So, are people really critiquing "Gone

The other option is silence, you realize? That doesn't sit well with people. Let's assume that Gamergate is an actual thing, with real membership that could be tracked, and that there was some sort of Gamergate card you carried. Let's say there are 10,000 members. Now, if 100 of those people get together and

It's pretty easy. When you don't like something and people run up to you screaming, "THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU ARE A SEXIST HOMOPHOBE!" can see how that might ruffle a few feathers. And the key thing is that if fishing and trains aren't your bag, you aren't being accused of

Wow...just...I'm gonna golf clap at how amazingly wrong that blanket statement is.

In shocking news, it was discovered today that people mock things they don't like! Scientists are baffled!

Because gaming has always been a homogenous hive mind? I mean, seriously, gaming is not a goddamn monolith. It isn't now, it never has been. Having ten communities of specific ideologies is the very definition of exclusive, because, here's the thing: if even one of those groups excludes you, that's sorta what it

Wow. You type, and all I see are the "gamers are over" articles. Well, believe what you want. Call yourself and elene, or whatever the fuck stupid term the milquetoast brigade comes up with. It doesn't really matter to me, nor to the majority of the people I've personally spoken with.

Smaller, more inclusive...that...totally not a contradiction.