
Welp, that's gonna end poorly. Bets on how long it lasts? 6 months? A year?

Wasn't female Loki, was just Loki wearing Sif's body. *sigh*

And I'm so already over the whole trendy 12 year old look. Also, yeah, this costume does for zippers and buttons what Nomura did for belts. A few more pouches, and it'd look like she'd been dumpster diving in 90's Liefeld drek.

Eh. Psylocke did it better. And has the added bonus of not looking like she's 12.

I can't say it's a lot of feminists, but I will say there is definitely a school of feminist thought that says, "Men shall have nothing that women do not." I had a feminist at one point tell me that I could not go out with my male friends to hang out with them on a guy's night and it not be an act of misogynist

See, I always pictured them as more of this weird Roman mash-up, but I guess that fits as well. Thanks!

I studied hung gar for a couple years while I was doing grappling training for the cages, and there was this girl, Christina, who was super sweet, super pretty, and one of our best stand up fighters. If we were drilling boxing, she'd wreck me, and did, repeatedly. Went to the ground, though, and there it was a whole

Yes, and I was referring specifically to the eyerolling bullshit of the whole "tired and stereotyped" thing, because, well, you know...reality. The Hearthstone thing is crap, and if they want to do gender-separated tournaments, that's gravy, but make them equal so there's no other difference. And I've known plenty

It says something about the thought process going into the argument. It says that either a) they are have no concept of reality or b) they are so obsessed with the notion of "equality" that anything that seems out of place of that, no matter how legitimate, is automatically discarded. Neither of which is a good

Because that part of the argument was stupid and nonsensical, yes. If I had nothing to say about the rest of the argument, then I didn't disagree with any part of it. If I evaluate the whole of the argument, and there is giant, stupid hole in the middle, then the argument itself would be considered giant and stupid,

I didn't say anything about the rest of Lunatic's argument, did I? I'm just pointing out the factual inaccuracy of calling reality tired and stereotypical.

I mean, if they want to do the separate tournaments, fine. I can kinda understand that. But make them the same goddamn games. I know that one of the big

Why are you not upset that it is classified as male-only, too?

Wait, you consider it tired and a stereotype that there are a good number of physical tasks that men do simply better or faster than women? Do you even know what the Olympics are? All women's time's in pretty much everything like running, swimming, kayaking are about 90% of men's. Then if we look at weight lifting

I refuse to stop saying it. I'm fond of the moniker.

I'm not really making fun of it, honestly. Having fun with it would be a better term. I mean, I love Oscar Wilde, and, well we know how the poor man's life ended. The Picture of Dorian Gray was always a favorite, and OH MY GOD, have you seen Penny Dreadful? Reeve Carney and Josh Hartnett gettin' they man love on?

Dialect is hard to write. A thousand thousand tiny variations that sometimes just amounts to word choice. Soda, coke, and pop, for instance. And yes, you can use pretty stereotypical versions of a dialect, but by their very nature dialects are stereotypical. Not everyone from the South speaks with a twang, and the

I thought Wakka was just supposed to be straight up Hawaiian in his method of speech? My friend who is from there thought the same thing. How is the use of patois different than using one location's dialect? Is there some weird offense when people from the south say, "Ya'll," in video games that I'm not aware of?

It's Western fantasy, but the fantasy is the big part, so you can do whatever you want with it, and that's the thing that is not being fully utilized, at least in this respect. And, anyway, as far as I know the Chantry is pretty much dead, because of the Mage-Temple war, and the fact that the leaders of both factions

Ha, yeah. There was a twitter war a while back, where basically the question was phrased, "Would you date someone who is bisexual?" and the sheer amount of hate and disregard was...pretty awful. Being a bisexual male is far worse than being a bisexual female, too, but that's another thing entirely.

I'm not sure

Yeah, pretty much. I mean, they have to appeal to the widest possible audience, I get that, but I think they could take some more risks. I mean, I guess there is a lesbian character as well, and I'm gonna bet dollars to donuts that she doesn't suffer the same sort of social status and problems that Dorian Gay does.