
I knew someone would complain! Way to not let me down, internets!

Okay, so long as we are clearing up that everything you said basically had nothing to do with what I said, we can go on our separate ways. Thanks for clearing that up, as I was confused.

You respond to a thread almost a year old and you question my situational assessment? Stunning example of irony, really. Oh, and nice of your over-reaching, white-knighting imagination on details of the thing that "happened" that weren't actually told by the author. Were you there peeping, or were you the drunk?

If you are using Autism as a defense, you've obviously been on Tumblr, where autism is the number one self-diagnosed disease, ever! Because, you see, autism is an excuse for being shitty, apparently. But, really, it's not. And honestly, if this kid was, autistic to the degree that if he sees something that upsets

Um, there are commonalities in features of ethnic groups? That's sort of a thing? Regardless, he looks to be of Asian decent, or at the very least half-Asian. I see it in the tone of his skin, which isn't quite European, and the epicanthic folds of his eyes. When I saw the picture, that was my first thought, at

Actually, Buddism is pretty much dedicated to overcoming earthly desire. There is a strong association with asceticism for a reason. I mean, that's what the hungry demons represent. It's more than just physical things, it's also hatred, anger, greed, etc. And, ideally, you do overcome these things. One sect has a

Am I the only one who didn't think the dude was white? I mean, look at his facial features. That ain't the features of a white man.

If anything, I think it's a pretty good piece of box art. I mean, you have have the very obvious symbolism of Buddhism, which has has the desire/removal of earthly desires at its core,

Is it an argument? Or a statement? It is, simply, what it is. A joke, and an absolutely truthful statement that none of these characters look anything like me. See, I'm USED to games not representing "me" but, in reality, it actually means very little because I know how to IDENTIFY WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT LIKE ME.


Not real diversity! Not one of these characters looks like me. I'm offended by my lack of representation!

Well, I'm glad you've taken all this time to reach no conclusion. Good job!

To be fair, Wonder Woman is terrible and Rocket is awesome. I rest my case.

Poe's Law at its finest!

You mean the superhero body type? Because I'm pretty sure that's what genre this movie is gonna be...

So, you think someone like Topher Grace would be a good Superman with his tiny body? I mean, since he has superpowered strength and all, he doesn't need the muscles, right?

People are not complaining about her body, they are complaining about how her body is very different than the typical representation of Wonder

Er, no. Actually. That's exactly the opposite of what I'm saying. Like I said, manga (the medium) is for everyone. Period. Stop. However, and this is the point I was making, is that there are specific genres within manga that cater to various audiences. So, you have shounen fighting manga like Naruto and

I'm...not sure what you were getting at? Were you agreeing with me? We do have TV for everyone, but not all TV is "for" all people. Spike TV has its demographic, MLP is aimed at one crowd, and subsequently, when someone else (like an adult male) likes it, it's largely treated as an bad thing.

Not all of the Titans were truly grotesque. Some simply had inhuman traits, which was something the Greek gods did not. Oceanus had a fish tail, Thethys had head wings, and a number of others had animal parts (hence I called them misshapen, which may have been harsh, but accurate for the purpose of the discussion).

These are issues that kids are facing, and "teaching" them that things resolve with minimal of effort and some moping is not making for a realistic or even sensible approach. "Do nothing different, and everything will be okay!" Especially not when everything resolves in the span of six pages. It's one things to

The entire first issue? The fact that they literally introduced a character as a concern troll, what, five panels in? The whole "oh my stars and garters, being someone else is SO hard!" The fact that she, super predictably, had to save said concern troll by the end of the first book? It's trite, hackneyed, and

Well, here, for starters.