
If it was all over the place, I never saw it.

So, you are bringing entirely different societal ills into this arena where they do not belong. The fact that there is dearth of women in STEM fields is a thing, yes, and it's slowly changing. Of course, it's also been shown that a lot of that is self-sabotage. There's an article on it, and I wish I had book

Thank you.

So, I think there's a lot of correlation in what you are saying, but that doesn't mean causation. Every instance of Clinton being said to be like a man was because of her kind of bullish behavior, it had nothing to do with her appearance. Note: I think she smiles like the Joker, but that's me. Same thing with

I can only speak from personal experience on this, but I do hang around groups of women quite a bit and I've noticed that women talk about the appearance of men and other women. Guys, tend to only comment on the appearance of women.

I'm saying that data is more than "women play games." We are aware of that. What games are they playing? How long are they playing? How likely are they to buy DLC? There are a ton of questions that can be answered with the correct data, and you can bet that these are questions that marketing people know a lot of

And that's my point: calling them "female characters" is sort of a misnomer. I mean, okay, when was the last time you heard someone say, "That was a really strong blonde character." See, the adjective implies that's something important, right? But if we say that being female is unimportant, we aren't aren't

Ah, so not only a white knight, but a self righteous white knight. Excellent.

That 46% needs to get analyzed. Not that it isn't correct, but what it actually means. Because if that 46% is all smartphone games, then AAA games are never going to be touched. That's why statistics are funny. They can mean a lot of things, and it relies a lot on interpretation.

Studied and surveys I've seen

Also, awesome name, Nod-to-Shadowrun.

In regards to Warframe, though, none of the playable characters are...characters. They have no personalities. They just have boobs, if they are female-bodied. It means literally nothing. It's not like the "male" Frames have cocks, they just have a stereotypical "male" build to

Do you know how many feminists would be pissed off if the gender of a character would be decided by a coin toss? So many!

Cliché. The word you are looking for is cliché.

Also, you have to understand that, for the most part, as much as you may think (and seem to believe) otherwise, gaming is very much still a visual medium. Story is a way for mechanics and genres to make sense, but story is very rarely at the forefront, except in RPGs,

No, I flat out called you a white knight. Period.

By your logic, it would also make sense to see men in video games portrayed differently than they currently are. They are not. The feminist bullshit idea of the Male Power Fantasy means very little unless you assume that all men are the same. I'm going to assume you aren't so thick-witted as to say that, let's

You are making a gross assumption about how she feels about her appearance, mon petit chevalier blanc. You paternalistic protective qualities are quite adorable. I'm sure she'd be flattered.

Wait, so you can't attack the character of a con artist and a liar? That's interesting. Then again, I guess that would explain why we have so many successful politicians. I'll allow it. Carry on!

You do realize that tropes (in the idiotic way it's come to mean) is necessary for conveying information, right? I mean, that's sort of how stories work. Because, strangely enough, there are only so many stories that can be told, and what Anita has spectacularly failed to realize that even when she rips of Count of

There's just so much asinine and wrong with your comment...yeah. Enjoy your wildly skewed world view, it's apparently working well for you.

If that were completely true, there wouldn't be a huge prevalence of the the more traditional fantasy armors available via mods. Skyrim didn't make a huge difference between male and female armor (of course by the same token, it also made few enough concessions between races, so...take that for what it's worth) but

Let's see...Whoever said you were outraged? "So it's all kinds of wrong." So, the answer would be you? Outrage might be a strong word, but let's say "vehement disagreement." Unless "all kinds of wrong" means that you are not finding offense with it?

It's not that I care about defending a scantily-clad sniper. What