Based on how they are telling the story where the compound is seems pretty remote and ideal.
Based on how they are telling the story where the compound is seems pretty remote and ideal.
If I was Maddie I would do the same thing..Id rather have Troy on MY side then the NOT.
I agree with you. I saw no reason to think she lied. She has been in hiding since she returned. She told ONE person the story of what happened….Kevin! Why in the hell would she make up a story.
I was blown away as I never have thought about that. I can imagine it being 10 times tougher being in the 2% and seeing 98% vanish!!
The explanation of what the 2% experienced on that day was great and scary. Imagine 98% of the world vanishing!! How scary would that be? The people who we have seen for 3 seasons thought they had it rough. It had to be 10 times as rough for the 2%!
Boring finale until the last 5 minutes!
Very interesting indeed. I can easily see a non alien fan liking Convenant. Because the problems with how fast the alien is birthed to how quickly it grows wouldnt be a problem for a newcomer.
What is weirder is WHERE did the alien even come from??? Are we to believe it came from the burnt face guy? If that is the case…how did the face hugger impregnate him in the seconds it was on him? This movie….I like aspects but overall it craps all over the lore that was built in the first 2 movies.
Are you talking about the books that had plots like going to the aliens homeplanet, a cyborg ripley, Earth being overrun and humans having to leave earth, The cycborg ALien. Those books were AWESOME!!
After seeing it mysefl I am surprised and NOT surprised it has a high RT score. It tells me that people like myself who love smart and well thought out movies are in the minority. People who dont really mind characters not doing or saying certain things….like I dont know…comment on HOW or WHY all these people are DEAD…
SPOILERS . Did you not see Crudups character wanting to RUN into the burning ship after it exploded with his wife inside? Or when Tennessse (McBride) was told his wife was dead his reaction was heart breaking!!!