
@bcurran: Damn, you type faster than me.

The thing is, policies like these don't actually protect against anything. It's "security theater", as Bruce Schneier calls it.

Why do I suddenly have the urge to play Tetris?

It's a 3D rig that can be hand-held. You can tell in the second shot that the cameras are off-set slightly for 3D.

I miss those freakin' sweet inflatable planetariums from Elementary/Middle School.

@whydoyouwork: I don't believe they were hovering. Skydivers under canopy at a higher altitude would be moving very slowing, giving the impression of hovering. Also,some of the lights appear to be swinging from a pivot point.

That could be sky-divers with smoke and flares. I find it suspect with the movie Skyline coming out in less than a month. I smell viral marketing.

@anexanhume: And without a DVD-ROM... what does said bastard expect him to do? Torrent movies on Wi-Fi? Come on.

I really hope this all ends well.

@Schalliol: It might be cranked up slightly, but that is not far off. Middle-of-nowhere night sky is amazing.

It's worded a bit oddly in the blurb at the link, but this is actually at the City Museum in St. Louis.

@Tank: I just wish it's animated radar worked on Android.

@trc202: Insteon is 2-way, so it'll retry commands if it doesn't get an ack(knowledgement) back.

@Ben R: I concur fully. If this turns out to be Subsonic without me having to have a server at home, then color me interested. Otherwise, I'll stick with what i've got.

@Eteyos: Since you're an open book with nothing to hide, how about your email username and password. You know, just so I can make sure you're aren't just pretending to be the Best. Citizen. Ever. and are actually a pedo or other similar scum.

@Nitemancometh: OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH.. When your sun-spots are a burin', Raymond's here... Raymond's here...