Jerky Jerkface

Back in the 90's my drummer house sat for Chris Robinson and we rehearsed in their storage space. We used their amps for shows whenever they weren't in town. Chris is a cool dude but likes his privacy.

I played The Ramones constantly for The Boy when he was The Baby. (Mainly Beat on the Brat just to establish who was boss.) As he got older I tended to be more open about what music he could listen to than many of the parents of his peers. While they were tuning in Radio Disney I was playing him The Clash.

Best mistake I ever made: The Boy

@Rickster, Mary My Hope was batshit visionary weird proto-tribute grunge. You play in any bands I might know from back in the ATL? I was in the hair band Stiff Kitty BK (Before Kurt) and Texas Crude (After Kurt).