
AC/DC blows. BLOWS.

Hmm, yeah I suppose I agree with you for the most part, except I was never really turned off by either game's aesthetics. I was also 10 years old when OoT came out, so I was probably impressed by most 3D graphics, anyway. I'm also generally taken aback when people express dislike for OoT.

You complain about how OoT looks and plays but then claim MM to be one of your favourites in the series? huh? The two games are virtually identical, in graphics and game play, with MM receiving a minor graphical boost. I guess the tone really does it for you.

I'm pretty sure the people who decide what the "tone" of a game should be is the developers. There's a reason why players and critics overwhelmingly prefer The New Order to Wolfenstein 2009. Of course, different strokes for different folks, but the whole "tone" argument seems strange to me.

I loved Superior Spider-Man, although a few arcs fell flat for me, particularly the one featuring Venom. The series had a few annoying tics (Spider-Man's supporting cast being unable to figure out something is seriously wrong), but I thought it was generally great and a ton of fun. Stegman's art is so good.

Read Slott's Big Time run.

Not a chance of that.

It's written for a younger audience so I assume the humor and tone will fall flat with you. The animation is nice, but I can't watch this show.

Really? He really doesn't write like this quite as much as he used to, but if Bendis is good at anything, it's writing believable and natural conversations. So long as you ignore any potential flaws in character portrayal, that is.

font-style: chandler bing Could this album be any more of a snoozer?

damn it, i don't care! i'll share my band's newest song

I'm a vegetarian and do agree that these types of staff lunches end up revolving around my dietary choices, but only because everybody else in the office is also so interested in finding out why I don't eat meat. It's annoying.