Do what I did. Stop watching. It’s becoming a trend.
Do what I did. Stop watching. It’s becoming a trend.
It’s a great idea, but it still disenfranchises those lowest in socio-economic status who move a lot and don’t have long-term permanent addresses. I don’t know what the solution is, but every system has problems.
She’s b-l-a-c-k.
This article is nothing more than part of a schmear campaign.
Execution seems like an overreaction. I prefer a policy that just lox ‘em up.
I’ve had the in-game audio turned off since day one, but the fact that just bringing Pokemon Go to the foreground kills all other audio is a real pain. Luckily, any app that has a persistent notification can easily be restarted (at least on Android). TuneIn Radio is really the only app that isn’t easily replaceable…
People that die never get the chance to retrieve any items.
Shit- and pot-stirring, with no substance, mealy-mouthed and lacking details, clearly designed to imply something while promising absolutely nothing for the sake of deniability.
Yeah, nothing shady about the timing of this AT ALL.
Maybe a metered tax on road usage based on miles driven and weight of vehicle?
Dang it all, I should have picked richer parents.
2001-02 Kings, god damn it
some Slytherin shit
We’ve actually discussed a blog that discloses who each staffer is voting for, not because it’d be interesting but just in the sake of transparency. Do you, readers, think there’s any value in doing something like that?
Johnson is that dude who opens both ends of the dorito bag when he’s high
Missed opportunity... Should’ve called it Nintendo sWiitch!
The debt is a really hard issue to debate as it is a pretty complex topic and the majority of the viewers aren’t clear between the debt and the deficit. Considering Trump never offers policy proposals, I’m not sure what he would say about it other than he is the only person who could fix our debt problem overnight.
Clarification: Cream soda is good.