
Well, for starters, how about the WNBA?

Well you’re not wrong

“People think I’m fun at parties. I’m not.”

I disagree, I think you should only care what other people think of you, and I say this as a professional Sociologist. Remember, C. Wright Mills says that your only value is in understanding how people perceive you. You have all taken a big step today, by voicing how you are perceived. The next step is to stop being

This added much to the discussion.

See, this is a great representation of video games as a whole as well.
Whenever people throw a hissy about one game or genre or another, saying it shouldn’t be that way or it should be fixed or even that it shouldn’t exist I think, “fuck you.” Maybe it wasn’t made for you. Maybe it was made for someone who actually

1.2 billion people play some sort of video game around the world. 700 million play online games.

A tiny minority of gamers play WoW, for example :)

I don’t know how anyone doesn’t understand this - it’s common sense. And yet everyone thinks THEIR opinion is the majority one. Of course it is; as a person you naturally gravitate toward people with similar interests and ideas. Thus you only see what you want to see.

Couldn’t agree more. The right answer to “rent or buy” is “it depends.” Do the math, think about your needs, and make the right decision FOR YOU.

Probably one of the best games in recent years in terms of developer support. $20 original price tag, total price of game + all DLC released to date = $40. and that’s just cosmetic stuff, all game modes and maps are completely free. Cross platform, solid servers, continual updates...yeah there’s a reason why there’s

No, cross-play is completely functional with friends on PS4/PC platforms. This works via private match and a server name/password. All you need to do is give everyone the info. We play with 8 friends at once regularly, some on PS4 and some on PC. Usually use a chat program/PS4 Remote Play so we can all talk together.

Played a few rounds last night! It was pretty great. Planning a quick write up for TAY :D

Captain Crunch > You.

There was definitely a draft that ruined Manziel - the draft that went through his rolled $20 bill and carried in its wind a cloud of cocaine to his nasal passages. The draft that went through his bong and carried THC-filled smoke to his lungs. The pitchers of Michelob Ultra on draft that caused him to be so angry he

Two Brazilian cyclists died? That’s horrible. How many is a Brazilian anyway?

Pick up the fucking check, Tiger. Asshole.

“Ima fix wolves”

Nope. sorry, I didn't see it. I just searched 'David' and found nothing. That's fine. Thanks!

Hi David, attribution link is at the bottom of the post. I'll change trawin to David Trawin if you prefer though.