
Where did you get the skinny on that?

And, as a writer, you can put your comments up at the top of the comment boards!

Metaphor breaking down? That is an exact description of my first high school relationship.

I guess that would have to be assumed. The way it is edited is pretty shitty. Metal seems pretty rare north of the Wall and the White Walkers make all of their weapons from enchanted ice, not iron. Might be possible, but it's a lousy look that comes off in a way that fucks with an already tattered suspension of

You're talking about gaslighting? I didn't even know this was a thing, but now people are transmitting this technique all over the internet, so I guess it's going to become popular?
Personally, I don't have much understanding of this. I live in a reality based world made of testable facts. If someone is a manipulative

*waits for the "you want free speech, start your own website" argument*

My father was extremely emotionally abusive. Nothing you say will convince me that getting yelled at or given the silent treatment compares to watching your buddies die face down in the muck. I guess the key word here is "traumatic". I seem to think it means more than living with an emotionally manipulative jerk.

No, it is the imminent and prolonged threat of death, which, last time I checked was a physical thing. I also gave credit to feeling bad about yourself because people like you like to transmit the feel bad about yourself memes.


That's it, I'm out of here.

You're single, white and Jewish? A doctor, maybe?

User Blocked.

When was the last time the AVClub did a long form interview or wrote a piece based on in depth knowledge and research of a subject? Also, what happened to Hatesong?

I always thought the whole Angelus thing was a play on the idea of a guy acting super nice to a girl and then turning into a complete asshole as soon as they have sex.

Money can be exchanged for goods and services.

It means the first twenty threads on this comment board are going to be grayed and the top five threads will be people agreeing with the writer.

Are you saying that bald guys with huge foreheads have a hard time getting women to find them sexually attractive?

Well, it seems pretty obvious that women are naturally superior to men when it comes to supporting feminist philosophy.

Can Russians empathize with you because their serf ancestors were enslaved, then had to go through wars where millions died, then decades of authoritarian oppression?

So that's why Chandler was so red all of the time?