
But talking about cutting off people's faces, including, possibly, your sister, is not a line to far to cross?

Technically, I suppose I was raped once in high school when a girl took advantage of me while I was blacked out. It was weird, but not all that traumatic. Might have been different if everyone told me it was the end of the world and I was a bad person because of it. I think if you are referring to the common

It gets a little confusing when it is attributed to a conversation. I have seen a lot of arguments on the internet where people use quotes to describe what they believe the other person is thinking, or more accurately, what they want other people to believe their opponent is thinking. I would say that it is pretty

I see you are using quotes there. Just out of curiosity, who exactly is that quote attributed to?

User Blocked.

Said the guy milking a rich divorcee.

Didn't read. User Blocked.

Yeah, keep talking professor. Because I still totally respect your personal life experience when you use words like moral reaction. User Blocked.

So don't call one of them PTSD.

And you are a person who speaks from experience, so I totally respect you.

Yes, as a matter of fact I do. If the scientists who deal with break ups want to piggy back on the research of severe trauma, that's fine, but they can go mooch their resources somewhere else and call it by a different name.

I think it cheapens the term to put the reaction to having an unfaithful spouse in the same category as spending months in a constant and very real fear of imminent death coupled with seeing your best friend's head explode all over you like a ripe watermelon.

Yes, she would ask where she got the note. Why would Arya not answer? I assume so she could pause and give a look that says, "Yes, this is shite writing here that makes me not answer your question."

I don't think the expectations of realism are high at all. It's a fantasy, so people are ready to go in and suspend their disbelief. The fact is that they are shitty writers. They thought the rape in the Sept of Baelor was a good idea. Having Jon go off and fight wights for no reason other than a death fakeout that

Nah, the second I saw the chain, I was like, yeah right. I understand it was there to make the scene look cooler, but it doesn't make any sense. As far as Arya and Sansa go, why have Sansa ask her where she got the note? Just so she can pause and think to herself how unrealistic the dumb plot D&D are writing is before

Sure. Or Dorne. Or Sansa and Arya. Or Bran. Or Littlefinger. Or Tyrion and Dany. Or any bullshit excuse they can find to hit some bulletpoint. You know, an odd flaw here or there is excusable, but when everything in the episode except the CGI smacks of laziness, it pulls you out of the enjoyment of the experience.

Yeah, I know. Why would anyone ever be critical of shit writing instead of oohing and aahing at special effects like a…oh look! A dog with a puffy tail! Here, Puff!

User Blocked.

The stereotypical AVClub commenter kisses O'Neil's ass nonstop.

Go fuck yourself, sellout.