
NOT ONLY THAT??? But the ONE OTHER DEFENSE besides “censorship is all wrong I don’t know what empathy or being a decent human being is either” is they covered up some freakin fundoshi thong like item or something??? I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW THERE WAS ONE??? Like how completely desperate do you have to be to point out that

I honestly DON’T get the other side of the argument!!!!!! Where were the endless angry rants when other games got censored!!!!!!!! WHy are they only appearing when Xenoblade and Fatal Frame removed/covered up the sexy outfits on underage characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it always leads back to simply wanting the sexy

I can’t believe we are still talking about this goddamn whole completely ridiculous issue about some kid character not being able to wear sexy outfits??? People care this much about underage characters wearing sexy outfits???????? It’s been weeks??????????

I don’t really feel that way because by the time these characters all got to The Force Awakens they’ve already experienced all these victories and triumphs like a complete life time ago. Like they’re so dang old by the time we got to this movie. And it’s not like they never had time to just be happy and relax for a

HONESTLY the biggest disappointment for me so far is that there’s still nothing on the Xbox One/PS4 worth actually making the jump for yet. I got a PC/Wii U setup going on right now and there is absolutely nothing out that isn’t already on/really stands out much from what’s on these two systems that makes it worth

I’m honestly a bit confused on the “too much grinding” bit??? If you just go out and explore and do side missions once you stumble upon where they are you should be able to just breeze through just about the whole game.

Out of all the games I’ve played this year, Xenoblade Chronicles X is probably the one to capture my attention the most. I’m 74 hours in and I’m still having a blast. I reached like 30 or so hours into Fallout 4 before becoming absolutely sick and tired of it, but I just can’t stop with this one. The wacky anime scifi

I’m sorry but like??? I get that cutting things out tends to suck real bad and all but??? It’s a BREAST SIZE SLIDER! And some thong or whatever! And like sexy outfits for a child character???? Like??? This nonsense is complete garbage anyway???

I was really hoping Fallout 4 would steal my attention away and help pass the time until Xenoblade Chronicles X came out (WHICH I AM SO EXCITED FOR I AM SCREAMING INTERNALLY THIS WEEK WILL NOT HURRY UP IT’S SO AGONIZING), but I got so completely tired of it way too soon.

This is the one console I own that I feel like I wasted money on. I was still so young when I got it and got so swept into the big hype around whatever big shooter games were being yelled about. I didn’t even end up liking most of them, but I was young and naive and kept going with it anyway.

These days people just datamine Nintendo and spoil all the fun upcoming content they planned to surprise us with.

WAIT OKAY I played it for about another hour and figured out that yes, you can get into vehicles, but you gotta go to some weirdly out of the way and hard to honestly see waypoints for a minute or whatever??? Anyway it’s not good.


I usually get kinda anxious and feel just plain awful when I don’t finish games. I’ve hardly ever finished them before and it always just bugs the heck out of me when I buy a game for an outrageous amount of money and just stop playing it when I never get far enough in it ya know?

I heard they didn’t add bots to the battles and that it’s a bit of a sniper fest like normal Battlefield games, which honestly kinda kills the experience for me.

A lot of the time I feel as though I’m wasting money on something because I just cannot ever finish or see all that content all the way through. I got the Game of the Year edition of Fallout 3, but I got so tired of the game before I even tried any of the DLC that drove it’s price up to $60.

I honestly cannot stand most of these 100 hour long games anymore. It’s just too much content that doesn’t really ever add to anything. Like I spent about an entire week on Skyrim before getting completely sick of it forever, and I don’t even remember a single thing that happened in it besides “Dragons are attacking