One, it’s belitting the legit concerns and gripes people have with the game.
One, it’s belitting the legit concerns and gripes people have with the game.
WOW is this article condescending.
Yes, EA is indeed responsible for a lot.
The movie was fine. It was a good movie to go see with your kids on a rainy afternoon, but other than the “cool look it’s a ___________” it just felt sort of well fine, I guess. Not too amazing not too terrible.
Have you considered decaf?
Just released the English name too, Nergigante
He’s entertaining, fun to watch, and damn good. He deserves the wins. Now, Maddy.
Unintentional Religious References is also the name of my thrash band.
If the acronym KKK makes you chuckle, then you my friend have a problem. You KNOW what it means, and KNOW how people feel about that, so you think of US (your consumers); As foolhardy jerks who find humor in racism... We aren’t you, and I concur with your name not being in the credits. Cya homeslice.
Molehills are not noted for their structural integrity.
Nintendo 3DS: “Daddy’s Big Little Nintendo”
Yea I’m sure they will announce it but heavensward has at least 6+ months of patches left based on their release schedule. I guess we’ll find out more in a couple weeks tho ;)