Not to be that guy, but: Expansion is due out on June 20th, not 30th!
Not to be that guy, but: Expansion is due out on June 20th, not 30th!
For sure keep up the pressure and eyes on this! Your story made me super suspicious of my local gamestop when they ran out of copies of yakuza 0 before noon on launch day, apparently. It certainly reaffirmed my decision to never go back, especially when their response to my disappointment was to immediately shill…
I always pick the ‘boring’ class options in RPGs. I always go sword and board in fantasy stuff, my FFXIV character is mainly dragoon (the most dps-ass dps class in the game), and I always get a little self-conscious when people ask “what kind of boring loser would pick Soldier” during discussions on Mass Effect.
A complicated situation, especially considering how switch-focused Overwatch is supposed to be, but Blizzard needs to get it straight with their community team whether or not “always picks the same hero” is a ban-worthy action. Getting one person saying it is and someone else saying it isn’t doesn’t help this problem…
I’m with Jebailey on this one. That controller is a gd mess of buttons that I wouldn’t touch with a five foot pole, if someone wants to rock it I say best of luck!
*called from the back* coward!
Should be noted: Steve Gaynor noted on twitter that some people are still paying despite it being free, and all proceeds from this weekend will be donated to Lambda Legal, a legal organization dedicated to lgbt+ rights.
Eurogamer’s been on the ball lately with rumors, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo’s just trying to save face and let the Wii U die a quiet death.
Ehhhhh, the fan fest is happening pretty soon, I’d be surprised if it wasn’t announced there. I’d say more like 2 1/2 years until they drop ps3, if that stuff is true?
I’ve heard (though can’t find the source) that squenix is planning on supporting ps3 until the release of the third expansion. So, until 5.0, any limitations caused by ps3 still need to be taken into account.
Dancing in the streets, mashing buttons in the sheets
Oh man, good luck Jason. I recently played the post-endgame-before-heavensward content myself. Lasted way longer than I expected it to, and I was kind of sick of it by the end. I haven’t gotten super far into the expansion, but the new locations are already a breath of fresh air after going through the same areas for…
Holy shit, I can’t believe the song about having sex without protection and getting your girlfriend pregnant is gonna be in this game