jericho B

In many ways that is what if feels like. Personally, I will wait for the retail release 12-15 months from now that contains the 2016 season pass content and all the latest patches all on one disc.

It will happen. Capcom only said they wouldn’t pull a ‘super’ with SFV, doesn’t mean they won’t bullshit out a GotY edition

Except for the fact that Nintendo were very open with the 32GB SSD they had on the Wii U and let you use external HDDs from day one.

Or the fact that Nintendo actively advertise and make games for the Wii U. Sony haven’t done anything with the Vita for 2 years now, ignoring it at the last 2 e3 conferences.

Plus, what

Nintendo are making mobile games, but they are NOT releasing their library on mobile. You only need to play Sonic 1 and 2 on mobile or any ROM hack to know why that is a bad idea.

Nintendo are making games designed for mobile, but also to entice casuals into buying their consoles to get the full experience.

The problem is, the Vita never had any of these major franchises that the PSP had: