
I’ve worked with his daughter (who’s lovely) and it’s so depressing to think that her father is like this.

I will never forget seeing Dustin Hoffman in an interview long ago, telling the story of how he met his wife -- that he was in his twenties and she was the 10 year old daughter of a friend. And how he played piano for her and afterward she said “I am going to marry him when I grow up” and gee whiz, that’s just what

And then imagine hearing that at age 17 from an middle aged guy. Just ewwwwww.

Throughout my career there has been one of these assholes in every office. It’s so demeaning to be the object of their weirdness. It really made me feel small and scared. There really was no one to report anything to because when I was coming up I wouldn’t have been believed.

Tom Hanks is a perfect gentleman and a kind employer. I would be extremely surprised to hear that he had ever put his hands on a man or a woman without permission. So you’re good with that one at least.

He humiliated a young woman just to get a laugh from a bunch of lowly hanger ons. It must be so sad to need attention that desperately. Setting aside how crass and vulgar it is, it’s not even a clever joke. I’m not sure what’s worse. Being the loser who makes a joke like this, or being the loser that laughs at it.

If 2016 is when all the celebrities we loved died, and 2017 is when all of the celebrities turn out to be sexual harassers/assaulters, I really hope that 2018 is when all the celebrity sexual harassers/assaulters die.

“soft-boiled clitoris” might be the most disgusting string of words I’ve ever heard.

In one of his books, William Goldman, (the screenwriter on “Marathon Man” ) called Dustin out for his shitty, self indulgent behavior on that movie, and in general. Lawrence Olivier was dying of cancer, and Hoffman insisted on doing take after take of a scene that required Olivier to walk. Olivier was very clearly

Elmore Leonard sure knew what he was talking about in many ways.

I’ve yet to see anyone crop up as a serial sexual harasser/abuser in Hollywood where I didn’t also think, “well, DUH, have you read this person’s interviews/stories of working with them?” The Val Kilmer one was the antithesis of shocking.

This type of abuse is de rigueur in Hollywood. I was an executive assistant to a female manager that was on her way up over ten years ago and she was a horrible verbal abuser. She had been abused by her family and the people that she worked for before she became someone and truly saw the abuse that she doled out as

Exactly, I’m glad he came clean, but the admission is missing the important piece of “But I didn’t say anything because____.” Because I too harass women? Because I wasn’t sure I could make the millions on my own? I feel the same way about Robert Rodriguez. Works with HW a shitton. Dated (married to?) Rose McGowan.

Who would have thought that Quentin Tarantino would be the first person to admit he knew Weinstein was crossing the line and he should have been a better person and not worked with him?

A week ago he was “shocked” to hear this about someone he still referred to as a friend. Now it’s “whoops I knew, I just didn’t do anything.” Get fucked.

And the brutally honest ways she’s talked about how her upbringing made her trauma worse.

Elizabeth Smart will always be a hero for the way she handled Nancy Grace.

Professor Galloway is a good example of a friction-inducer, the kind of individual who just makes life more difficult for other more civil people who try to get through life with minimal friction. I am a southerner, brought up with southern manners. You try to go through life not "making a scene," or "not making a

@Anne Boleyn: This was in a grad school setting, in which it's quite common to pay per credit. The student had already explained that he was trying to decide between three classes that were all held on Mondays. It's also common in grad school to have a single class period a week. Suggesting to the student that he

@dont-forget-where-you-came-from-cheese mac: Yes, American business is in the shitter because Americans think working long hours is hard. Those 10% unemployed and 20% underemployed are loving their lives - fuck work!