Is that Gawker’s Nefertitties? Did you lose your profile in the last Kinja shift too?
Is that Gawker’s Nefertitties? Did you lose your profile in the last Kinja shift too?
I would like to know who made his shoes though. I want oxfords like that for me.
What should Yanez have done differently?
I have nothing to add that hasn’t been said except this - that guy probably comes from a shitty family, from shitty parents, and naming him “Darwin” seems like an ironic joke sealing his fate as a scumbag.
die in a fire troll
you didn’t read the article, clearly. Try shutting the fuck up.
Retail workers and women do not count of course.
Let me guess, not retail, but e commerce?
“ I’ve managed to subdue people much larger than me without having to fucking shoot them.” No snark - where’d you learn?
“By turning a declaration into a question, it invites the listener to listen actively, to nod or confirm, much like adding “you know?” or “right?” to a sentence. It also serves a more basic function of “floor-holding,” preventing interruption by indicating there’s more to come; it turns a period into a semicolon.”
I have zero issue with how he portrayed the assholes at that party. I’m saying, that’s a horrible, sexist notion of women. I can’t tell if it’s from a comic or from his own mouth - the first time I saw it, it was attributed to the man himself.
Where is that from, though?
This is actually an observation I buy. There’s a quote out there of Clowes talking about “beautiful 22 year old girls who prefer reading over television”....I don’t think it was ironic.
Another thing I forgot - nonwhite people can ONLY be angry about race and only feel oppressed by whitey.
Don’t you know you’re not supposed to be of anything but race?