Jere Pilapil

Yeah. It's like how we were all complaining that they weren't using Sasha for the first 8 months of her call up, but now she's the top face in the division.

Or any other specialty match! Part of the problem is that I don't buy Sasha/Charlotte as a particularly personal feud. It feels more like a competition between two people/characters who feel like they're the best but are actually very evenly matched. HIAC should be sold as a last resort after they'd done, I dunno, a

It would improve his entrance immensely if his theme started with him saying "TATER. TOTS." (BA-dum, DA-dum- BA-dum, etc.)

I love this. I'm imagining someone irish whipping Ellsworth in Strowman's direction and Ellsworth blocking his face with his two hands and hitting Strowman in the back with enough momentum to eliminate him.

I think it's tied evenly in terms of raw (no pun intended) talent, but Smackdown just does a better job distributing segments to all of its roster (partially because the SD roster is smaller, but still). Everyone deserves props for stepping it up while Becky's been out, though.

Yeah I was thinking this last night (when I want even watching Raw, oddly). I think this is the best iteration of Jericho as a character, WCW was his in ring peak and 2008 vs HBK was his best feud.

I'll probably catch the 90 minute Hulu version when I work from home on Wednesday. Or I'll just find the main event on YouTube. I read results before I went to bed and they pretty much lost me by starting the show with Reigns

Totally. I assume he was nursing an injury that was more serious than initially thought or something. Like, that has to be it, right? POTENTIALLY they threw him on Smackdown knowing that when the 2017 draft comes around they can Instantly reinvigorate the cruiser division by trading him, but I don't have much faith

Also: I think things would be going way more smoothly if they used an established cruiserweight like Neville* in the feud as an anchor instead of introducing 6 brand new guys** with little to no character development.

Oh yeah, I definitely think it's more on the crowds than the performers. But it's an education process for everyone. Audiences have to learn to get into the rhythm and give some potentially great stuff a chance before getting restless, and on there other side, supposedly the cruiserweights have been told to tone down

Same. I think Ziggler will either get the belt or win by DQ/countout but the latter would be such a cop out if not handled well.

True. I couldn't tell if Carmella is just not used to being on the mic or is intentionally shrill but she does come off that way

I keep hoping Liv Morgan evolves or adapts a new gimmick instead of "Green Carmella", but yeah, if that doesn't happen, a tag team is the best possible scenario for her.

There's a balance. Full Sail can be awful when they get bored, too, but NXT has a proven track record that makes the audience give things more of a chance before turning sour. But I also think in an arena the size of main roster shows, it takes less momentum for, say, 10 people who aren't familiar with cruiserweight

Yeah but these promos are 1) Given the space to breathe that sometimes playing to a live crowd can't allow (I think if Carmella did a live promo right now she'd be "WHAT" chanted right out of town) 2) Not the overly-scripted promos that show up on the main roster. There's something loose and naturalistic about them

Now would be the perfect time for him to turn heel to eke out the win here. If he wins the title, I think heel Ziggler has a lot of potential as a character and as a foil for faces like Crews or Kalisto (wherever he is), moreso than face champion Ziggler facing Miz or Corbin again.

Very refreshing to see a show that was (kayfabe) booked before they went live on the air.

At one point during Talking Smack, Renee was like "Is [getting into Bray's head] the secret to beating Bray Wyatt?" as though he hasn't lost every singles PPV match he's had since Wrestlemania 30

Similarly, Cena was straight FIRE (apologies to Becky) on Talking Smack.

So… #RELEASETHEBEAR. Is this real with a goofy hashtag? Or is it the setup for a silly joke on Talking Smack? I can't tell! I'm falling for kayfabe for the first time since I was a child and thought the Undertaker was real!