Blueberry Dookie

Kinda lame to have the essentially the same task in multiple games. In my opinion, I dont need Assassin's Creed re-skinned. I had enough issues with 3...and thats got me very skeptical about this game. More and more these days- I get tired of an openworld game when I understand the limits of the rules and the

DAMN I just bought XCOM and was planning on getting PLUS next week!

BF is seldom fun unless you are playing with friends. Random drop ins with teammates who dont talk or work as team? The game becomes the most unfun thing ever. With friends= SO MUCH FUN

Crying...its so funny it hurts

Cho Aniki? Ahh okay I could have swore earlier that it only said Cho Aniki

I already DO understand that. I'm just trying to be less puritanical about cartoon fantasy sexualization in regards to THIS particular instance/genre. I am a sexual person, I enjoy sex, and I would like to see sexy time in media and culture for the ladies become more egalitarian. I'm not sure about what to say about

I don't disagree with you on that point. How about that Matthew McConaughey film "Magic Mike" for example? Some sexy dudes strippin and such for women. I don't object to stuff like that at all. Fact is, sex and sex fantasies exist. I understand the need in gaming for it to be more balanced. More balanced between the

Fantasy has been oversexualizing both genders forever. This is nothing worse than what was being airbrushed on the side of jacked up boogie vans in the 70's. I think it's fuckin awesome. Conan. Red Sonja. Frank Frazetta. Hell, one of the GREATEST comic artists of all time, Robert Crumb- undersexed men and made them

Just my opinion - I haven't enjoyed a game's narrative (that took itself seriously) since Half Life 2. There have been some decent to pretty good ones since then- I mean, I've bought and played a ton of games since the release of HL2- but none have immersed me in their universe quite as completely or compellingly. I'm

I wanted to give a shout out to MoreFrames Animation, who did this. They are a group of animators that were in the same program as me in college and they have done alot of other really great work, as well. They did a 3 part Halo motion comic that was really great- not to mention music videos for Ill Bill and other

<——Animator. It's animation.

My beef is the inside of the mouth is pitch black with no depth. Thats what breaks it mostly for me.

Right now I'm Axton rolling w/ 3 Maliwan pistols (slag, fire, and shock) and a 4th position that usually either assault rifle, sniper or rocket launcher. Havent found any great shotties yet- at least one I enjoy playing with. I have a beefed pistol relic which makes those three elemental pistols super nasty- and I am

I concur!

I just recently started playing w my bro-about a level 19 now? I respecced points away from sheild regen and put them fully into turret. Ive got buffs to turret cooldown, rockets on the turret as well. Already feel overpowered sometimes when doing normal missions-turret is insane damage and aggros almost everything to

All I ask for is some sort of z targeting option so Geralt actually locks on and circles an enemy.

Also, no strafing lock on. Which fucking blows.

Agreed. I'm not even a smart phone or ipad user, either. Just give me a console that plays games and connects to the internet so I can play with friends. I don't care one iota about shit syncing up with an iphone and all that extraneous shit. Granted, I'm sure there's a lot of people who are into those features, but

Used to also do clan play in bf2 (my favorite iteration of the game thus far)- it's been years but I can see your point. What i was getting at is that some of the larger maps on console are not populated enough at 32.