Blueberry Dookie

I havent finished it yet. Just opening up the second island. Pretty maxed out- all items crafted at this point and bought all the weapons. All secret weapons. Still love the gameplay, mostly, but honestly the story is sucking super hard. Jason BROdy? "that looks like acid. Not gonna step in that!" Aww man. That was

Greg- I applaud you for remaining level-headed in a fool's discussion. Everyone who has gotten up in arms over this sub-thread seem to seek to control the definition for themselves. Guarding strict definitions of art betrays ignorance of art, in my opinion. "I've worked with PROFESSIONAL artists." Don't throw around

Hating the vid music as well.

Games and Media reflect reality. We've been involved in murder and imperialism since the inception of this country. We dress up military sanctioned murder with terms like "honor and valor." Give me a fucking break and address the reality of this perpetual war/conflict culture.

HA! For some reason I never was able to link to that page or could view that. Thanks!

Kotaku- you never even announced any winners for the ONE shop contest I entered all year- the GI JOE one. Sup with that?

I concur.

I concur.

I was with you on Max Payne until you trashed ACIII and then I was TOTALLY WITH YOU.

Agree wholeheartdely with you and Capio. Shit game- so much so that I don't even intend on finishing it- it's that bad.

Why doesn't it make sense? In the art world we call that appropriation.

Not to mention there's just no consequences for actions. I slaughter every group of Brit soldiers just for something to do. There's no real stealth system in place. This game would be so much better if it FORCED you to be stealthy except in extreme circumstances and there were persistent consequences for acting

If I hadn't downloaded this game off of PS marketplace I would have long ago traded it in. I'll say the positives so far are that it largely LOOKS great and the ship missions are kind of cool. That's it. The bugs and poor mission design break immersion so often that I have no desire to finish it whatsoever. How fun is

First off let me say it looks good. Now, not to be a dick, but it's not really your work. It's your rendering of someone else's work. A homage. You really ought to be crediting the original artist instead of presenting this as "yours".

BlueberryDookie. It's a song by the band Harvey Milk.

I don't understand the AC1 haterz. I enjoyed it tremendously. I can't stand 3 so far.

I'm not even that far into the game (I'm Connor now, though) and I totally agree. It's just an aggravating mess. Downright awful at times.

Totally agree with your sentiments.

What explanations have you heard for why there was only one Engineer left in cryosleep and he had to be awakened by a visitor to the station? If something was going wrong on LV as the holograms suggest, wouldnt the last engineer just have taken off with his ship then instead of going into cryosleep for 2000 years?

Agreed, much better solo than co-op.