Jeremy Turcotte

My typewriter's a late-model Japanese-made Smith-Corona that was sold by Eaton's department stores in Canada under the "Viking" brand name that was slapped on all their house-brand tools and appliances. Paid $60 for it. Still works like a charm.

Was that Rhea Butcher on the bench in the front yard?

I remember seeing this video when the Pop Life exhibition was on display at the National Gallery of Canada. Lotta Warhol, lotta Damien Hirst. Good times…

A sign of American society's growing divisiveness… not even the Paramount Network is United anymore.

Who also always kept his eyes closed! IT'S ALL ADDING UP

Between Carnaby Street, the Aberfan disaster, and the 1969 TV special, the late 1960s were a key period in the changing relationship between the Royal Family and the public. If there's going to be a time jump, I'd put it between seasons 3 and 4, jumping from late 1969 to early 1977.

Without the wedding in the first half of episode 1, it's more of a 5-year period - from Christmastime in 1951 to the summer of 1956. If the new season started in late 1956 or early 1957, I could see them ending season 2 around the summer of 1964, after the birth of Prince Edward in March and Churchill decides not to

So: predictions for season 2? Here are mine:

It always disappoints me that the Gloucesters, the Kents and the Harewoods get totally cut out of any story about Edward VIII / George VI / Elizabeth II.

Fun fact: Porchey's grandfather, the 5th Earl of Carnarvon, was the man who paid for the expedition to unearth the tomb of King Tut in 1923. The Earl died soon thereafter, thus creating the so-called "Curse of Tutankhamun".

That Klingon, Commander Kang, was played by Michael Ansara, who was Middle Eastern, so they did sort of have a non-white actor. What mystifies me is why Canada Post included Bones and Kang in the first place. William Shatner and James Doohan are both Canadians, and one of the main UFO tourist destinations in Canada is

Every stamp catalog puts a little line like that over literally any picture of a stamp they print. Since stamps have an actual monetary value, and their designs are the protected intellectual property of the issuing post office, they have to make at least a token anti-counterfeiting measure.

Pfft, Canada put out 9 Star Trek stamps in May… 5 commemoratives, 2 coil stamps, and 2 lenticular action stamps.…

Wasn't Dana Gould on as a writer too? I thought I'd heard that from someone…

I can't wait for the prequel biopic about Georg Cantor, "The Man Who Knew Aleph-Null Infinity".

They mentioned Theodore Tugboat! *Canadians swoon*

Both of them, eh? What are the odds?

He's always one of the best guests on Stop Podcasting Yourself - episode 341 in particular, not just because it was the first episode after Dave Shumka's daughter was born, but also because PFT named a TV show about border guards "Druggle Smuggles".

There's something to be said for starting with "The Truth", since it kicks off the trend in the latter half of the series towards modernization of Discworld society, in addition to being something of a spiritual prequel to the Moist von Lipwig books.

Don Harron also preceded the legendary Peter Gzowski as the host of CBC Radio's "Morningside", hosting from 1977 to 1982.