cars and coffee?
The title of the following article reads, “Why it’s pointless to remove the badges on your car”.
sweet ferrari bruh.
Not too sure what’s worse: owning a Pontiac that looks like a shit Ferrari or a shit Ferrari.
Seriously, anything on a Ferrari forum inevtibally erupts into absolute basement-dweller madness.
looks like Superman needs New Balance.
Title should be - “Why you never ride someone’s ass”
sweet ferrari bruh.
100% style (and that term is used very losely), 0% substance.
introducing the Lamborghini that their douche-bag owners even consider “over-the-top”.
sweet ferrari.
Not even slightly kidding: this is the best thing I’ve seen all week.
sweet oldsmobile.
How in the world is Taskmaster not on this list? Really? Do you even read the replies or do you just chose those that relate to your opinion?
Taskmaser -
Opening was fantastic with the expletive and all. However the actual “story” was filled with superficial opinion and curmudgeon laden epitaphs.