
I want a ustream feed of the town meetings in hypochondriac-ville.

Filters are jumping the shark hard. Instagram needs to figure out where it's headed quick.

I would also recommend playing the official Waffle House songs on their jukebox.

To be fair, I know plenty of very left-wing people here in California that believe they can heal people with positive energy from there hands.

It's time for people to move past filters anyhow, and this will just force it. The appeal of Instagram doesn't lie in the filters, those are just novelty, though it does fit the square format well.

It needs to be updated to show the officers field-of-view and display exclamation points over them when they notice me.

They should really wait for the weekends to re-calibrate HARP.

Exactly, chug a gatorade, take two ibuprofin or tylenol, BEFORE you go to bed.

I asked a snake bite victim if she wanted an Angina Rub and she slapped me **rimshot**

It looks like a demo for some Photoshop masking tool.

Midnight release?

You're right. Had they waited just a few hours they could have even had the Sun implicate Murdoch in the very real death of the whistleblower. Not that I condone that sort of behavior.

It's funny that this same argument happened in the U.S. with electricity, phone lines, highways, etc... At one point the public did feel these services were rights and saw the negative impact of unregulated providers.

Apple is behind the curve on their vernacular. Albums have been "dropping" now for some time.

Isn't craigslist 'dating' for people seeking immediate hookups? Slumming in the internet's back alleys seems like a foolish way to come to any sociological generalizations.

These guys need a PR rep. Picking on individual soldiers will win them no support. There are plenty of corrupt governments and companies around the world that they could be targeting. But instead they shit on working people.

Once, while in SECONDARY screening, I noticed I had an exposed (no cap) exacto blade in the side pen pocket of my backpack. So basically, just a razor blade sticking straight up not even covered by a pocket. I was an art student at the time, so it was just a silly mistake, and I stayed quiet because I figured it'd be

I once waited behind a woman paying for $30+ in groceries with a giant bag of change. The bad thing about these machines vs. cashiers is that it couldn't give the woman grief for that.

A positive or negative response to this article depends wholly on your average weed consumption.

Losing the laugh track and live sets made sitcoms funnier.