
I agree that the righteous indignation is entitled. But, I also feel like Giz is welcome to do what they want with a totally optional contest. We don't HAVE to read this tabloid site and we don't HAVE to take photos of Zuckerburg. Why can't two obnoxious parties just be obnoxious to each other to make whatever point

Why does the photo for the article have to look so depressing? Your article is encouraging, but the photo makes me feel like deafness leads to an empty life.

Am I reading Pitchfork? First one to say "meh" wins.

"street versions are much higher doses" is pretty common rhetoric to scare people away from most drugs. I'd like to see sources that show doctor-prescribed steroids are weaker than illegally used steroids.

Miracle cure for the sick, but deadly poison when used to grow muscle. That logic makes sense.

So, how does sexual humilation make him not a pervert? I promise this guy's actions aren't just him being dumb.

Years ago, when aunts and grandmas first started showing up on facebook. I sent all my friends a photo of a setting sun and told them I was unfriending them all. They should friend me back if they wanted to stay in touch and I'd happily friend them again. It worked really well, but I need to do this once a year. Just

I really hope these sites don't try to use this as fodder with congress. It could be easy to paint anti-SOPA protests as pirates and hackers. Scaring old people can lead to quickly passed laws.

This is a big, big deal. Few senators are in bed with Hollywood like Orin Hatch. He's been a supporter of almost every bill that compromises net neutrality and places restrictions on new technology. Even if senators don't get it, they still respond to bad publicity.

How many pills are required to move things or set them aflame with my mind?

At what point in history were Americans denied the right to own a horse? This guy's analogy is confusing.

What's the nature of blonde and red hair that keeps it from working with this system?

Is it possible that there are more older users on twitter now, so the optimistic tweets have waned?

Murray is the only one of these guys that's continued to do funny and smart films. If he hates the script, I have a feeling it'd be Ghostbusters 2 all over again.

I once responded while inebriated with "I think I did, so I hoped a little ... and it helped". Still have no idea what I was getting at.

The awkward run-in with the ex, now happens every time you launch Facebook.

I have an identical twin, so I'm not really bothered by the concept. There are habits and natural grooves you're going to fall into purely because of your genes, and that will place you in the same situations, relationships and opportunities more than you'd like to believe.

Would it be effective to produce political attack ads from the future? I feel like a senator may think differently if they saw how badly they could be painted with either pro-censorship or expanding federal powers in an opponent's political ad.

I'm just worried the first generation will cause 'burn-in'. I'd hate to have a Google logo in the bottom corner of my vision for the rest of my life.

So in 100 years, what percentage of the US population will be represented by this guy's progeny?