Jeremy Phillips

It’s disappointing because each of the films cited cost at least $200m and at least half as much again to market, and it looks like none of them will match that in grosses.

Never mind, it’ll win a Grammy next year.

Lorne Michaels continually invites on bigots like Trump, Musk and Chappelle, signal-boosting and normalising their disgusting behaviour.

Would it be considered inappropriate to pump mustard gas into their air conditioning?

Get Out and Us both made their budgets back on opening day. Nope took more than a week, and it’s still not in profit - although it’s yet to roll out in much of the world. That said, a $68m film still not breaking $100m after three weeks is not “solid”.

It generally got about 3.2m viewers during the last series, and frequently fell outside the top 30 for the week. Not really enough on its own to justify making any more, unfortunately.

Nice to see Cameron getting his excuses in early.

Except, as I said, the article is about policing in the US.

Why the British picture in a US story? First GIS result? 

Why would they want to film in our shithole country?

Vice was the first movie I walked out from in 15 years. It was like a junior high debate team put on a pageant for the midterms. I couldn’t believe people were treating it as a serious film with anything worth saying.

“Reminiscence is about a hard-boiled detective”

Columbo remains highly popular in the UK as well. One free-to-air channel airs a 12-hour marathon every Sunday.

Lin-Manuel Miranda something something not throwing away this shot.

Er, you know it’s a *joke*, right? Just pronouncing the word in a fun way. No one actually talks like that.

The cash-for-honours scandal wass years ago, and the article conflates MBEs, OBEs and CBEs with knighthoods. Also referring to Lynn Faulds Wood in the present indicates another failure of research, as she died in April.

Weird that you run an article about people turning down honours and there’s no mention of Alan

Joker for Gleeks.

“Why did the car stop?”

These people should not be referred to as Christians. They should be referred to as cunts.

Agreed. I got halfway through the very mediocre first episode when they introduced a luvvie-ish version of John Merrick, which I found sufficiently offensive to wish disease on the writers.