
So this is riddiculous and probably no one will see it but i’m having a bit of a melt down and I don’t currently know how to keep going and it’s the middle of the night and if i turn off the stupid video i have playing and have to hear silence I don’t know what i’m going to do. Can you screw up your life beyond recall

Only if we can also kill the phrase "borderline genius."

I will stand in a dark alley with you and fight off any one who tries to defend this usage by saying “language evolves”.

Coke Zero forever. It’s the only diet beverage I can drink, in all the others the taste of artificial sweetener is too strong. What I don’t is why Coke Zero and Diet Coke taste so different even though they have exactly the same ingredients. It’s a mystery.

Thats not healthy. You need to drink wine sometimes. Brings you down from the caffeine buzz. Don’t you even care about your well being?

My dad has a huge thing about people calling Washington “Washington State” and asks them, “You mean the university, right? Because there’s no ‘state’ in the name of a state.” It’s kind of hilarious how insistent he is that people not call it that. (He refers to D.C. as D.C., never by its nickname, to avoid confusion.)

I grew up in Washington. The “State” qualifier was pretty much mandatory.

I wonder if that’s why we pronounce it The “Dals” (rhymes with pals) in order to further differentiate it.

That’ll teach you to talk vaginas on i09.

I’m with you on this!

I dunnoooooo guys, this is not really worth it. I’m not even a comedian and I would have had a difficult time not saying something similar after a professional interviewer said the phrase “inside an 11 year old girl.” If anything he should be dinged for saying something so dumb. I didn’t see it as a joke so much as

Now playing

That’s weird. Because I always thought the Beastie Boys were known to let suits

Same way a parent has to eventually tell their daughter that they’re not actually a princess or that their son can’t wear a cape to school.

Shit happens when you forget to call.

Reposting, because fuck this noise: