
Uhh the Boston snowstorm is a false flag and the same woman who slipped in ice was seen last time in a false flag flooding footage slipping on mud. EXPLAIN THAT TO ME! #SandyHookChemTrailHAARP

Snopes used to be all it took. Then someone, be it Tealiban or maybe. Fox and Friends host or maybe some weird "not sure if even related to us" assshole at family gatherings, uttered the whole "um Snopes is run by libtard obummer loving socialists who is biased blah blah blaaaaaah" shit

You are a good person and deserve all the high fives. Expose and shame these moronic page-view mining, pseudosatire sites. I've been blocked from a couple otherwise reasonable and amusing facebook groups when I chime in my disdain over them sharing or defending the linking to one of these sites.

*whispers in a manner that acknowledges that he knows he's being a dick* it is, "just deserts".

yeah he has been pretty vocal about this, as well his resistance to selling. He's important to the NW beer culture and people listen to him

So "Darky McBarky" and "Mister Niggersworth" must have died or been put down

When masturbating??

Maybe he had a little rhyme or song that he played in his head or would mutter just under his breath, to allow him to keep time and couldn't pause for fear of messing it all up. Perhaps a classic nursery rhyme or maybe one of those campfire 'round songs

this all sure lines up perfectly and delivers a nice package of irony, jaw dropping details and (as you cued record scratch trope) a moment where a lovable golden lab tilts its head with a dubbed Scooby-Astro like, 'Uurr!?'. Curious how long till we see this amidst those site recants and "what was fake on the internet

It is it a Swing and a Ms.?

You even included Fox and the Hound!

my wife will just order a salad or simply say, "eff it", and order something suspect and if nails her, she deals with it for a day or two.

When one is in a moment where sharing something like that is appropriate or at least possible, it takes on a weird exciting but shameful secret type of identity. As if one is unable to assign just one opinion on the matter.

I did chores to earn money for Atari's version of Berserk a also Pitfall. Berserk was 24 dollars, whichbin 1983 was amazing for me at twelve years old.

Bill Plympton

ROCKET powered Robot punch to the face. Yeah. I'd drink that flavor.

Yeah we would get rid of them until I learned just how lucky you are to have them. They will eat a ton of spiders in their lifetime. And they can catch flies on a wall I guess. I will celebrate anything that kills flies

I was all like, "Whaaa?"Then I re read what I wrote. I may have been a little knee jerk and in turn made me a jerk. Just really annoyed when there is even a hint of defense of such a regime and when behavior is argued in reference to culture and such.