She is.. God, there are no words.
She is.. God, there are no words.
He's vagueing. (what is the clever tweet word for vaugebooking?)
Trust Fund BABIES
Truly an old issue. I am a guy and when I was in my early twenties in the 90s (eesh) We'd use ICQ. I chatted up so many girls and sent pics to one another. You were lucky to have a scanner then otherwise you had to go to kinkos or office max. What's weird is I'd send my face but they sent their everything.
The "Look at someone" is a real thing, it was suggested by some that women in some areas cover their eyes. So there is that one. And just because this country might have some problems does NOT excuse evil, oppressive actions against anyone. So get off your high horse. Fuck Saudi Arabia and fuck extremism and misogyny
Yeah, my friend was all freaked about the razor tongue and I thought, "yeah, that's bad, but how can I relate? It's like exploding heads vs. exploding hand (a la Robocop) I can fathom such a thing. So when I think of hellish pain and horror I go to pencil in ankle. Still I am impressed with trailer. Horror isn't…
That's my cat's lunch.
I just want that horrible pencil in the ankle scene. It freaked me out as a kid and sometimes I still revisit in my head and remind myself that I can still be affected by horror.
I thought of it, but oddly enough, my mind wandered to Mario Galaxy.
Says Will Smith's mom.
You oughta see his paint crackling technique.
I was wondering, as I know it can liven up an otherwise bland pork loin or turkey.
Some Creationists use that very argument. That God "aged" the universe and world and so on. THus making Him in to a liar and a cheat
Try to tell one of us with a car that you have to take ... THE FREEWAY.
good lord... I can actually imagine the voiceover intro/theme song and picture tbe animation
Ooh it's like the best wave pool EVER
Ha.. born in Seattle, raised in N California from age 2 to 14 and returned to Pac NW. When I came back in 8th grade I was constantly told of my "accent". Some said it was "British sounding". Mind you, these were fellow 80s fourteen year olds' assessments. Funny thing, I swore everyone up here talked crazy hick talk…
He's Old Gregg!
note, I have no plans to go there, though your house is pretty famous
posting house pictures is getting less and less wise, though paranoia will destroy ya. One can google image match.. your street starts with M