Me So Soup

[Thanks AV Club…I was totally responding to that argument. I understand this isn't the place for that sort of thoughtless rhetoric, but I'd like to place my response to it here anyway, if that's okay. It contains quotes from it, so if you feel the need to remove my comment as well, no hard feelings - I just worked a

Read his/her other comments. The scientific method isn't one of his/her strong suits.

*Showrunners go to hand an on-screen death of the Waif to viewers before quickly cutting to black*

I owe a nice pretty new Dodge Viper worth of loans thanks to my dumb young brain not keeping track of what it really meant. I spent 10 years trying to get finished with school, and had no problem taking $10000 loans to help pay for rent for 6 months, etc.

Oh shit - I just realized we weren't all talking about the dude from Workaholics.

Eh I would say the George Lucas. Fair enough.

Geez, you have a point. I should really lower my standards for what I desire from any type of entertainment medium.

Man - you sure know how to pick 'em, the Coog.

I wanna upvote this 87 times.


Did you SEE those Hanks toesies when he was trying to tie strands of fronds together??!

I do occasionally but always in a mocking tone. Sort of like a "WHADDUP SIS?!" Never in a loving sweet "Hey, Sis."

*Sigh* I haven't the foggiest idea. My attempts at making sense of the senseless have failed.

If you're speaking about Tristane, it's because Jaime sent that ship back to Dorne. With his daughter dead, he didn't really need a step-son. Jaime took a smaller boat and his dead daughter and stuff and sailed back to King's Landing without Tristane. Tristane would sail back in the ship his future wife was killed in;

From what I've heard, the note Doran read just before biting it basically said that Jaime sent Tristane back to the Dorne port and he took his daughter, etc back to King's Landing. It's somewhere around on the internet. Forget where. It's inclusion would have helped explain shit.

I have so many games I buy and never finish, so I am going through my catalog one-by-one. Currently working on Witcher 3 (and taking my sweet time doing it), then it's on to Metal Gear Solid 5, a game that I absolutely love but just seems absolutely daunting.

::pulls out crumpled note from trash can and discretely eats it::

Man, I really need to rewatch some Buffy.

My girlfriend and I have been rewatching PeanutButterGamer's Minecraft Hardcore series before we go to sleep, for no other reason than we love Jared and Barry. *shrug*
