Somebody mentioned this elsewhere, but I think they were going for a "does it hold up now?" kind of thing, and those movies seem a bit too recent.
Somebody mentioned this elsewhere, but I think they were going for a "does it hold up now?" kind of thing, and those movies seem a bit too recent.
And the assertion that it is more beloved than "Men In Tights"?!?!!??!
Wikileaks Reveal #486368549:
Oh man! It's deleted already! I wanted to join in… :(
The AV Club: "You shall be remembered fondly and accurately, Abe Vigdoa."
Eh - or he hires decent music supervisors such as Bruce Gilbert. I really wanna stretch giving Smith any credit here.
It was *because* of Zack and Miri tanking that he started smoking heavily, if I recall. So your timing adds up - this 32 year old has validated you. :/
I…I believe I have just defecated in my pants.
I may have misspoken - I don't need a critical analysis on Mustaine's lyrics; I wanted a better critical analysis on why the reviewer takes such an issue with it. How does the lyrical content disagree with the musical tone he praises so highly? To what extent? What exactly do you take issue with besides simply taking…
I agree that a critic, regardless of medium, cannot recuse themselves or their views completely; in fact, they shouldn't - including Mr. Anselmi. What I think really is the problem here is the apparent lack of any true analysis concerning the issues he had with the piece.
I tried to say it better in a comment below, but failed. Kudos.
The real problem for me (and I expoused this in my comment below) is that the issues the writer raised in the article are not articulated and analyzed to a level that would merit a grade such as the one we see before us, especially considering the praises the reviewer gave to the music itself. I don't particular care…
I just want to put in my two cents (for whatever thats worth - two cents, I suppose…) concerning this review.
Thanks - it was a ridiculously crazy time when it happened, but I have grown immensely since then; I surely wouldn't have the great job and reasonably-relaxed life I have now if that divorce didn't occur.
- "Hello?"
George Lucas seems to think so.
*violent flashbacks to Star Wars week*
I enjoyed reading this - your blending of personal experience with your reading of the subtext of the Mulder/Scully relationship was great. I became separated with my ex-wife the weekend I saw Moonrise Kingdom, and that film seemed a perfect fit for my current situation: my wife and I had basically become the Francis…