
Uh, no no no. Articulated and much-deserved criticism is one thing, summarily and lazily just saying ‘OK Boomer’ even if the person is one year older than you is contemptible and more typical carelessness. It’s one more thing to add to the list of grievances against millennials and gen-z’ers. And I’m an elder

Let us not forget either.

Nice to see a couple of people on this comment section with a brain! Good to have you here! Like seriously, read the article people and put yourself in that situation. 

What? Your lift bolts broke and Toyota fixed it for free? That’s the only issue these cars had.

I am not experiencing spoofing from car dealers however I am now getting no-ring voicemails from my local Honda dealership. I bought a car from them 5 years ago.

The real victim in this story is public decency. 

I know this is off topic, but, here goes anyway.

You shouldn’t recline your seat regardless.

The real problem with this study is that it left out the most important metric for evaluating how much to charge a certain demographic.

Love it when companies try to differentiate themselves by renaming tech to match their brand... said no one ever.

It’s got electrolytes!

Polarizing opinion: the 8 is not pretty.

Why don’t you give that lunatic your car. For free. He’s going to need it. If you don’t, you’re literally ruining his life, don’t you know.

As a golfer, the last thing I want is a buzzing drone flying around the air while I’m trying to hit the ball. Sounds very distracting and annoying.

Speaking as a golfer, I don’t really want to hear that loud ass buzzing overhead all day whilst trying to enjoy a peaceful round of golf.  

When you’ve been sitting in the same position for hours, and then get up

I would NEVER for any reason park a vehicle in a lane on an active hwy. You are not a emergency vehicle and so you don’t have adequate lights or visibility markings. Shoulder it and flag them from there.

You have just witnessed the death of a business. Nice job scumbag.

Looks more like they had NO idea how the car wash operated. They completely ignored the bright, illuminated, flashing “STOP” sign right by their door. It’s like they thought they had to drive through it slowly as the brush did its thing.

They just aren’t very smart... as demonstrated by the fact that they, presumably,