I’m suggesting that your analogy does not translate all that well.
I’m suggesting that your analogy does not translate all that well.
I wonder what Michelle Obama would say to Lizzo about her snail dress.
Well, here he is on Tuesday night’s episode of the Rachel Maddow Show, in health insurance industry apologist mode as usual:
Esther Wang appearing now at The Comedy Hut on Route 74!
Yeah, boat building and comedy are not the same thing.
The other guy, the SNL fired white guy, sucks balls.
Dave is still pretty fucking funny.
I think you should ban men from private woman places. Like from your bathrooms.
Many get really aggressive like packs of wild horny dogs.
Onstage, yes. Lesbians welcome.
Yeah you sound really mentally sound buddy.
This story gave me such a raging boner.
Domestic violence as depicted in this GIF is never okay.
Probably for the same reason that Jezebel is going kid gloves with Fat Tub of Lard Lizzo’s snail dress and violent thug Cardi B.’s courtroom wear.
Totally agree.
Why are women always trying to take away all of our fun stuff?