Hand Crafted in Tralfamadore

Sriacha on roast lamb. One helluva combo.

As a writer, what authors influenced you the most? I've only read a few excerpts of your stuff (just bought OOML) but I would think Tom Wolfe or someone similar.

Sgt. Hammerclaw alluded to it below, but do you have any superstitious traits?

I had to "heart" you for that comment. Sorry.

Throughout your travels within your career, you probably heard a lot of positive and negative things about certain organizations.

That's hilarious.

Mr. Hayhurst,

So then what about the "gyroball"? Same thing, as far as the BS goes?

Another winner. Especially subtly pedals to the other side of street. Classic.

During the Saber-Cat age, we were in to WOW.

A Snooki-silhouette, huh? I didn't realize that a solar eclipse happened today? Amirite!?!?!??!

Thank you for these.

Funny you mention the Beer Belly. I actually own one. The gag gift that keeps on giving.

So you are saying body paint is acceptable? Got it. I've got my vuvuzela packed as well.

Done and done.

In addition to your wallet, they now know your house inside and out. Hunker down for the inevitable home invasion all week long. Do you own a gun?

Indian Wells DUAN

Double feature of Manning-face? Count me in!

This is great.

Actually, they were going to go with a variation of AMP, but it really hit too close to home.