Jeremy H formerly Kalakaboooom

It's the look, low cost to entry, and the fact they get to tell their friends they have an Asian RWD car. Which honestly is good enough for me as well

LSx powered Porsche's seem to be getting more popular, I own a 944 and the biggest complaint of them is not enough horsepower, so if someone is willing they usually throw in a LS engine in it, there is even a company that specializes in doing that sort of thing for all kinds of older Porsche cars.

Just like with the horrible Resident Evil movies that keep making money, probably they planned on continuously making them until it didn't make anymore money

Rule 4) Don't expect someone on craigslist to spend 115 grand on anything. That's a listing for ebay/hemmings

It's 69 to 1158 now


Oh wow, so they were coding games to run on two different types of resources?

What is XDR? I don't really know what is inside of consoles to be honest

Really, only 256? I only have a mere 4gb of ram on my gaming laptop and it is beginning to struggle now. (I know apples to oranges but still, 256 is such a small amount of ram)

I can overlook some things, like the vehicle being an automatic, but why would he throw a carbed engine in there? I never owned one before, I'm a FI baby, so I don't see the allure in having that sort of engine set up if you don't need it. Plus, clusters right over the airbag? Plus, that price is a bit much, for me

I know I am, because I don't allow people to commit crimes that will destroy their lives. Find me a cop that will arrest and charge you with felony theft for taking someone's keys for the sole purpose of keeping them from committing said acts that will result in criminal charges, injuries or damages that will result

Yeah, and if they did get convicted it more then likely would set a precedent that we wouldn't like, when everything is considered.

No I just put forth my argument, and we disagree and do not see what the other is saying. And yes you are probably right about several things (dont feel like researching them) but the main thing i was getting at is there were was an individual that could have stopped a death, with however, there is nothing more for me

  1. My theory is not shit, giving away stuff or random acts of kindness is not doing the right thing. Doing the right thing is not letting someone drive home drunk, not taking money from the collection plate, etc. It is most commonly associated with character. Politicians like to give away shit loads of money and bestow

You are pretty bad at trolling, know that? Now, the adults are talking so go back to your corner or I'll dismiss you child.

You are an idiot, aren't you?

True, but what's going to happen, a drunk person saying someone took their keys? All you say is "sorry I drove and forgot they were in my pocket." Which also brings me to my point I came to immediately after I said that, if that doesn't work, call the cops. There are many ways to deal with someone trying to drive

Oh you and your constitution talk are so cute. Have fun troll

Yes it should be different, but why does that also mean that the civilian world doesn't give a shit about one another? In the military people refuse to leave people behind for the most part (whether it be war, doing pt, or going to school) yet civilians for the most part will climb over each other to get ahead. I

I can see your point. But seeing as how they used her vehicle to drive themselves home, and then didn't even do so much as to take her keys so she couldn't drive make them somewhat account able? I'm just trying to understand why it is okay to knowingly let someone drive drunk.