Jeremy H formerly Kalakaboooom

Good to know you took literally nothing from what I said. My point was we are taught that we all should help and look out for one another. At least in my world someone wouldn't let me make a stupid mistake after using my vehicle.

Actually I am not. I am making it out that the 2 individuals who knew the position that insanely drunk girl was in, to be held responsible, also owing to the fact that they drove themselves home in the car she showed up in, while she was in the vehicle as well, and then pretty much said here ya go have fun. It is like

When you are black out drunk sometimes you don't even know what you are doing. What if the guys said "just drive yourself home you'll be fine" were you ever that drunk when you were that young? Anything anyone says when you are that drunk seems like a fine idea. They drove themselves home then just left her there,

This is normal territory for me, in the military if you knowingly allow someone to drive drunk, you will be standing in front of an officer with them getting demoted. Comparing taking a gun out of someone's hands to taking the keys out of someone's hands isn't even apples and oranges, it's comparing apples to planes.

Granted, I have never driven a CRZ, but I just don't like the idea of a remade CRX. But, I was also one of those that yelled at the top of my lungs "HERESY!!!11!!11" when the revealed the 4 door Charger in 2005, but now I like them. But it seems like I won't get the chance with the CRZ. I have literally only seen 2 in

Honda had so many awesome hot hatches back in the 80's, I actually have one right now, an 86 Accord, picked that bad boy up for 800 bucks

Wait what? Some guy licked anti freeze off the ground?

They had magic in a bottle with the old CRX, and they tried to recreate it with the CRZ, not gonna happen. They should have just left that legacy alone.

Never heard kinetic used before to be honest, but a lot of times marksman will use pink mist. And yes a lot of times they change for the sake of changing, but mainly it's because when you are in the military, it is a way of life, and you get used to talking a certain way, a lot of slang is a combination of how people

Pop quiz, what does danger close mean?

Stay frosty is the military way of saying "keep your fucking eyes open so you don't get shot"

Gotta take into account a lot of that time is probably from spraying and allowing the paint to dry

I remember that, it was awesome. And then they fucked it all up by removing all of that crap or dumbing it down with Dirt 2

It may be selling for higher then that in England, but as the maxim goes, old/rare does not equal expensive. Sure this is one of the few times you will see one of these cars, but people are not going to pay 70's mustang prices for an escort, most anyways. For reference I checked out ebay, and for 3,000 more, you can

I have flown with my daughter (3) before, and I completely agree with this, unless the situation is dire (death in the family is pretty much the only thing that comes to mind) and you HAVE to fly the redeye, there is no reason why you should bring a kid on the redeye. Flying during the day is hellacious enough. Do

Im here in Virginia and I have been asking all my coworkers if they got their snow tires yet (or tires rated for mud and snow at the very least) and they all look at me like I've got a dick growing out of my forehead. Looks like I will get the opportunity to be a smug basted indeed.

I think this is worth about 20k, to the right person, but 40? Hell no, it sounds like how he came up with that number is he wanted 15k or so for the van, and then added in the price of everything he did to it. I don't care that it is old, I don't care what he did to it, a resto-modded vehicle does not fetch restored

Haha one problem at a time brother *click*

Yeah I usually try to be, I keep in mind that I dont really have a right to be an asshole when I have a screaming child. And I shoukd have clarified (phone is acting weird) the blanket ban thing was more of a reference to the guy up there that said all babies should be banned. And yeah I do believe those parents that

Well yeah people are always going to be annoyed, what I am getting at, along with the "deal with it sucka" demeanor, as you put it, is that when the parents are busting their ass trying everything they can to calm the child, yet there are still those people that just go "nope, blanket ban on babies!" Which is just