
On standing alone….

When you say you've read/enjoy/got something out of Ayn Rand books, many people act like you're a member of a cult. But a lot of people like Star Trek, it's only a handful that are dressing up like Klingons and going to the conventions.

Of course I know it's fiction. Of course I know that in fiction all authors create the characters in order to prove a point. What does that have to do with the topic at hand?

I understand the book perfectly fine. Throughout it, there are people who refuse to take action for a variety of reasons. Usually they get bailed out by the people who do take action. This train crash was meant to illustrate the futility of such an attitude when some will still refuse to act even if it means their

As I recall, that train crash was portrayed in the book as a complete TRAGEDY. The main character, who ran the railroad but
had resigned after being fed up, felt physically ill upon hearing the news and then came back
to work because she felt responsible. The "unpleasantness" of the people aboard was that they

"'The Kings' refers to the Executive Producers/showrunners of TGW, Robert and Michelle King."

I know it's not completely analogous. Maybe more like "that show where a politician's wife cheats on him with her boss."

"Yes, but no one's trying to tell me that the Kings are champions of all walks of life." Could you expand on this as it relates to Ayn Rand characters? "Kings" connotes an Aristocratic upbringing and unearned entitlement, while for the most part, the Ayn Rand characters are self-made.

"…but she never wrote about anyone but the high achievers." This show, The Good Wife, is pretty much exclusively about high achievers as well. That's often the case in story telling of any genre.

The book is good. The movies are cringe inducing - particularly to those who think the book is good.

In that Cultural Dealbreaker blurb you said, "I’ve read some Rand, though admittedly not her two masterworks." Judging from her bizarre and incorrect synopsis, the latter seems to also be the case with the writer of this episode.