
Hey Nathan, while you’re here could you look over our financials? Things aren’t going so well..

If you think that’s the rudest thing about Curry, you never hung out in my college dorm room after an Indian food buffet.

Looks like he should have gone with the cover, too.

Guy really knows how to jam the receiver.

It’s not enough that Kirk Cousins took RG3’s job, now he’s rubbing it in by taking bad knees as well?

Billy, if you want to die because of something a Brazilian soccer player did you should just officiate a Brazilian soccer match.

Sounds about right. We're pretty unlikeable.

It’s a damn shame the Panthers don’t have Norman and Steve Smith on the same team this year. That would be the greatest one-two smack talk punch in the history of the game.

Found on ebay:

2015 USAF Ghostrider Gunship
One of a kind
Babied...never tracked or raced...never wintered.
New wings and recently replaced OEM flight crew buckets.
$50 million OBO.
No tire kickers, no mavericks.

wait, hasn’t the world already decided that Chris Brown is a piece of shit?

My brother comes in, “hey, there’s a problem with my car. Can you look at it?”

its a mustang, so probably just a fat chick in the passenger seat.

First they came for the StanceNation, and I did not speak up because I was not a douchebro. Then they came for the sportscars, and I did not speak up because I got kids and a mortgage and who can afford that. Then they came for the fun cars, and there were no enthusiasts left to speak up for me. Bunch of soccer moms

Look, I know we all want to rush to judgment here but I’m guessing that, very reasonably, the man asked what those women were there for and they told him that they were there to cover a professional football team and he, quite rightfully, had to check if the Jaguars qualified.