Jackbo Manhorse

Haven't watched this yet but still processing how I feel about Nate's death. Yeah it was unexpected and shocking in that moment, but the pacing and timing just didn't feel right. Literally 1 freaking minute after finally coming out to Alvey, he is shot dead by a bouncer? It felt slightly ridiculous I gotta say.

Apart from that final shot, which I didnt really think was necessary, a great episode to cap off another great season. I even think I preferred this season to the first.

Ever since its moved to Australia, ive actualy been really disappointed with the shows quality (the ferry with the lion orgy being without a shadow of a doubt THE WORST ep of the series). Season 2 easily its pinnacle.

Thought you guys dropped Kingdom reviews? Happy to be mistaken. Definitely one of the most underviewed and underrated shows on TV.

Infernal Affairs is way better than The Departed. Nicholson just didnt do it for me as the crime lord.

Saying Ludicrous is "one of the hardest, coolest rappers in the business" IS the definition of ludicrous.

What a nothing song. Sounds so tired. Boring riffs with a phoned in Hammet solo.

Groundhog Day.

Fuck yeah! Who needs TV reviews when we can interview washed up untalented sell out hacks from bands that lost all relevance over a decade ago!

Goggins is a God. Love everything he has ever done. And to be honest he is the only thing that got me through this episode.

Hearing that Ging Nang Boyz track reminded me of one of my all time fave Japanese pop punk bands: Hi Standard.

Sure. Youll be completely lost of course, but sure.

Good shit. This really gets me hyped, as i thought after 2 nearly flawless seasons, the third dropped off slightly and got a tad formulaic with its flashbacks. I assumed season 4 would continue the rot. But yeah this pre-review has stoked my excitement hugely.

Spot on. Totally agree.

I binged the 1st season after seeing all these A grades for some MMA show on some no name channel that nobody was talking about. And i am fucking HOOKED i tells ya.

Would that it twere so simple to cast Han Solo…..

Thanks…..Humphrey Bogart?

LOVE NDGI. For a movie that spends 90% of its runtime inside a small inn its totally entertaining and endlessly rewatchable. And Maggie is just WOW. Props to Donnie Yen's crazy ass eunuch as well.

Yeah good call. Id love to see Criterion Blu ray of The Blade as well.