Jeremy cornfield

I think there’s a difference seeing an NBA player in person especially if you’re sitting in the lower bowl. It helps me conceptualize his athletic and skilled these guys are because of how different the game looks on basically the same court that me and my buddies play on

Shitposters don’t play well on video

What’s the peak age for a professional gamer? Is it teens like in gymnastics? Is that coach younger than his team?

His right foot never goes behind his left knee and his knee is clearly in front of the rubber the whole time. Looks clean to me

I definitely know too many lawyers

Interesting. I bet it’s easier to get away with being a hungover professional basketball player than a hungover lawyer or doctor.

Right-the question is when is it just drunk sex and when is a person too drunk to give consent. I think blacking out and vomiting is too drunk to give consent for sex.

The rule applies the same to men

If you had a person come into the shop and talk about cars and never buy one because there was an understanding that they didn’t actually want to buy one from you then it would be much more morally upsetting to sell them a car when they came in drunk.

“Obliterates” is overused to describe punditry

Donald Trump has unequivocally apologized for something. He’s finished.

Each state defines rape differently in their statutes and case law. One element of rape is the lack of consent. Being drunk effects the ability of the victim to give consent. Different states define “too drunk to consent” differently. Obviously if a person is passed out they can’t give consent in any state. If a

You’re right. A drunk woman should be considered the same as an underage girl - legally and ethically off limits. That being said you have to admit that your anecdote is laughably unrelated to the context of this case. This woman interacted with the defendant solely in sexual contexts whereas I assume you and your

Tebow would win this election

Sounds like you have no clue about Occam’s RAZER