I still haven’t played TLoU. OMFG. What am waiting for, for it to be 9.99$?!
I still haven’t played TLoU. OMFG. What am waiting for, for it to be 9.99$?!
My personal relationships with women are pretty shitty. I’ve never hit, and I hope I’ve never been emotionally abusive... I think I’ve just been emotional, and petty, not that that’s much better... I’ve definitely put my pride ahead of how the women I’ve been with have felt. So, I wouldn’t really call myself a force…
A woman said those things?!
There’s this joke I heard... forget who said it. Something about how guidance counsellors are so good at knowing how to get a good job, but end being a guidance counsellor themselves...
Maybe that’s code for something.
How to jerk off and play at the same is an issue that comes immediately to mind.
A couple things:
“It is easier for a rich man to enter the gates of Heaven than it is for Kylie’s camel toe to fit insider her trousers.”
Hong Kong... where they make fake Prada stuff... And fake BMWs... and iPads... and Starbucks... and...
Neither is raping little boys. To be fair.
I like Stephen Fry...
And the guns went "giggitygiggitygiggitygiggitygiggitygiggitygiggitygiggitygiggitygiggity"
It's the me of airplanes.
*Smacks forehead*
Nah, Canada, and I only have a PS3. Last I checked, it wasn’t on PSN.
I have a hankerin’ to play XenoGEARS but you can’t get it anywhere.
I have a tattoo of Halloween Harry.
This time:
“The reason I’m telling you after the fact that I am transgendered is because I now expect you to be okay with having slept with a transgendered person, but obviously, I omitted telling you before hand because I thought maybe you wouldn’t be okay sleeping with me, a transgendered person.”
Hmm, food for thought, for sure. Never say never, I suppose.