
the ending felt like the premise of a Quentin Dupieux movie

The person writing this has no perspective. No historical insight. They think everything viewed through the prism of box office is the only thing that matters. Yes. Major movie studios used to make more movies aimed at adults. Yes, more people used to see more adult themed movies in movie theaters. One can definitely

Wow, how did this get posted?

So it’s easy to dismiss this as “kids these days” whining, but I think he has a point. My kids and their friends don’t watch movies the way we did. They have more opportunities and choices than I did, but they watch fewer, because it’s all one solid avalanche of “content.” A movie is just one more element of a

I can see his point of view and yours.

I’d recommend reading what he actually said, rather than what the AV Club headline says he said. He’s not really arguing anything, he’s just musing in a response to a question in an interview, and the vultures who make money through clickbait *cough* are having a field day.

I’ve been thinking pretty much the same thing about western culture in general for the last couple of decades. I don’t rule out worthwhile, new forms of art and entertainment at some point down the road when the dust settles but I’m skeptical for so many reasons but mostly it’s the way capitalism has reduced

Snow White looks cool but her seven friends, posse, companions, whatever look terrible. They look like extras from an 80s music video. Can’t we get cool little old man dwarves? I have no desire to see this movie either way. The Disney live action stuff just creeps me out in general.

I just hope she’ll find time to work in a smaller picture.  Right after Ladybird, she talked about doing a trilogy of films set in Sacramento, and I was really excited by this.  I hope she’ll find time to do that.  

Can’t say I know the man personally, but reports I read indicated Besson met the child he impregnated when she was 12 and he was 29 and they started dating “romantically” when she was 15 (and he was 32!) As a 32 year old person, you are committing a felony in my state if you have sex with a child whether they be 12 or

I think you’ve misunderstood what she meant there. She’s saying that SHE didn’t personally feel creeped out by the film or the people she worked with BUT someone who IS creeped out by the film is within their rights to feel that. She isn’t silencing herself, she’s admitting that her perspective on the work is limited

No no no no no. Danny Masterson is most likely a rapist, but if you're going to use things said and done by a character that an actor plays to impugn an actor, than Ralph Fiennes should be locked in solitary.

I feel like Miami Vice at this juncture in pop culture history has been reclaimed as an underrated effort from Michael Mann. You could just as easily slot Public Enemies or The Keep in its place. 

Never understood the hate for Death Proof. And as far as QT’s oeuvre is concerned, I’ll watch it any day over Hateful Eight. 

The Hollywood Quiz sketch had an idea with no idea how to execute it or a good sense of what they actually wanted to say with that idea. You can see the seeds of the idea in who they chose the contestants to be—a film studies professor, an entertainment writer for a print publication, and a podcaster. There is

I got the joke before they said the joke, which didn’t make me look forward to watching the rest of the sketch.

Still marginally less stupid than how the book resolves the story.

I don’t think anything I said implied that this was the best work the cast of this movie has ever done (though you could definitely make a case for Bautista). what I said was, this may the best overall performance by a cast in a film by M Night Shyamalan 

“Knock At The Cabin reaches the credits decidedly untwisted”

That’s a little generous though no? The premise is that we don’t know if these people are telling the truth that the world will end or not so like.... isn’t that something twisty that needs to have its true nature revealed by the end? It’s a mild twist but

He also says her name.