
Ween - Mister, Would You Please Help My Pony?

That’s disappointing. I’m sure her Narnias will be good, but artists with sway should be pushing back against IP dominance, not giving in

AI and WotW are good

In context he’s very clearly being sarcastic. How is nobody picking up on this?

Important to note that this isn’t really a studio album, it’s the soundtrack he composed for a ballet show last year, it will be orchestral and likely experimental 

I can’t get over how dimly lit it appears to be - where's the contrast? For something that’s supposed to be fun to watch, it should at least be nice to look at.

Shrek 2 is far too low

There’s no song called “Never Again”, you must be talking about ”New Again”?

“He rejects HER for not being perfect enough" is a weird way to spell "He rejects her for being emotionally abusive and also murdering 300 people".

“This episode was terrible. It sucked. Actually...B minus, it was okay.

I hate that every movie is aggressively teal now. Color grading has gone way too far.

True to its title, Black Widow is the first installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to push the character front and center.”

We've reached peak IP

The whole “the hero is actually sort of the villain” concept is neither groundbreaking nor challenging at all

You sound a tad pretentious yourself, to be fair

“Jungle Cruise: Free Guy”? Might wanna give this article another proofread, guys

Limiting your definition of “cancelled” to those who have lost all semblance of a career is missing the point, since that typically has only happened to people who deserved it. You’re also ignoring those who faced false, misleading, or vague accusations (George Takei, Mike Tunison, JPEGMAFIA, Pinegrove, Mistki,

The notion that he was a successful guest host is shocking to me, I honestly thought everyone was in agreement that he was terrible. He sounded half-awake.

Aaron Rodgers was "well received"? I find that hard to believe, he sounded so disinterested.

Not a single joke in this trailer landed, oof