
What? The Democratic loons are still hysterical. All you can eat.

Yep, both these guys have whiffed in their current specials.

I sure didn't laugh much at this one. First time Bill has let me down.

No, addresses head on and refutes it.

Naw, I meant Go F#ck Yourself.

I am GFY.

Country/wrong direction is closer to 75%.

Yeah, you just talk like this because you like the fact that Obama and Clinton want to pimp the U.S. to the rest of the world. And that makes you hot.

Very good film. First third was slow with somewhat ponderous historic 8th grade level re-enactments, not my thing but I'm glad I hung in there as starting with the New Deal stuff you almost can't look away from this one. Liberals are losing their minds over this film but per usual expect them to not be willing to

Do you even have a job?

Yep, but you have to agree that PC and the Left are getting absolutely destroyed these days. Lose POTUS and coupled with Senate, House, governorships and State Assembly seats and lefties will be hung out to dry like no other time in history.

You make a point, but SNL has leaned left forever. I think they get it now, there have been lots of hilarious anti-PC and anti-Obama skits over the last few years.

That was funny as h@ll.

PC is a pretty obvious target these days and the fact that SNL is willing to take it on and is getting huge laughs for it is pretty interesting.

The High School Theater sketch was like a PC smart bomb and was beyond hilarious.