Jeremy Archie

Surprisingly, no one has caught up with him to get his views yet.

Also, another point that I haven't seen mentioned in most of the foreign news items is the fact that Mr Warner is the leader of a political party, and enjoys a healthy amount of local support, in spite of all the allegations.
I've heard more than once that the DoJ's current actions against Mr Warner is some

It's definitely more of the 'knee-jerk nationalist' variety. Ethnically, Africans and Indians make up the majority of the population…with Africans being the descendants of former slaves, and Indians the descendants of indentured laborers. As a former British colony, the the society remains heavily stratified along

You're spot on there.
based on some of the arguments I got into on FB today, it's clear that most Trinis do not (or don't care to) understand the concept of satire…ESPECIALLY coming from a white foreigner. People here are unfortunately rather quick to broadbrush all international satire as an 'attack' on Trinidad.

As a Trinbagoinian citizen, living in Trinidad (Arima to be exact) let me tell you…the talk today (on radio) has been mostly about Jack Warner himself (as it has been almost constantly for the past week). John Oliver has been mentioned, but not as much as was expected.
Of course there have been those who have the view