
I agree, I usually wait for all the DLC to come out since I know I won’t be able to finish the game before hand. The exception I make is for Bethesda rpg’s. I can’t control myself. Even with it’s flaws, I have almost 500 hours in the game and I still haven’t played through Far Harbor and Nuka World yet.

ROFL! “inadequacies”? You hipster internet haters are the best. It’s the best superhero movie ever made by miles. You’re a vapid and mindless poser.

I’m not a huge fan of the royal family, but good for them as a couple.

I have no interest in COD, but I love Battleroyale as a concept. I don’t care how many come out as long as one is good and innovative. I’m tired of PUBG’s snail pace for updates, ugly maps, and sniper fest endings. I never really enjoyed the style of Fortnite either.

I don’t see why sports gambling isn’t legal. If people are stupid enough to bet their hard earned money on sports, or if they have enough money that losing won’t matter, then have at it. Just like legalized drugs, tax the shit out of it and let adults make their own decisions.

I don’t care if teams tank. Why would I want my team to win 35 games and get a shit draft pick when they could win 15 and get a top 3 or 4? The whole point is that they get good picks and get to the point where they’re worth watching again. My Bulls sat at the middle of the NBA pack since Jordan retired because they

Two of the girls have their left leg tucked under them and the right one out. The third girl from the left has her legs apart with her friends on either side having their leg thats out over hers because they obviously were trying to make room for as many people as possible in the photo. This isn’t rocket science.

I heard Yanny clear as day the first 2 or 3 times then it was always laurel after that.

I heard Yanny a couple times, then it became always laurel. On the bottom video I hear laurel twice, then Yanny four times , then laurel again until the end. I don’t get it, what’s the idea here?

Good technique with the egg, but why bacon over some nice pulled pork? It seems kinda breakfasty with the bacon.

ROFL! I agree that Total War has been a mess since the still tornado of failure that is Rome 2 Total War, but it’s pretty hard to take seriously from a guy that thinks Civ 6 is anything other than it is. The worst game in the series and the most braindead AI in modern strategy gaming. And they did it on a basically

To the surprise of nobody. The sad thing is that losers and fanboys will make this about Cliffy nobody B instead of the talented people whose time and skill he wasted playing catch up to an industry the passed him by over a decade ago. What a fucking d-bag.

I served in the Army years ago and I can tell you this doesn’t surprise me. If the public were ever handed a dollar for dollar accounting of how their money was used for the military, they’d shit themselves, force elections, declare neutrality, and disband the armed forces. If there’s been a more financially wasteful

I don’t care who works on the show as long as it’s good, but not every story has to include a diverse cast. Not every fantasy world has to have people of every ethnic group and culture. The notion that diversity is a requirement in fiction will hurt it, not help it, for everyone. Because before people sit down to

Schools make a huge mistake regarding this as well. They turn off kids from literature at a very early age by having them read things they don’t have any interest in. I’ve had to read The Great Gatsby in middle school, high school and college and it’s an awful book, yes I said it. They should have a few classics

I got H1Z1 for free in a Humble Bundle and it was installed on my computer for about 3 hours. It was awful. The controls were terrible and the map looked like something out of 2005. Worst game I’ve played in years.

Why on Earth would they try to rebuild in Unreal instead of using the Source Engine and the available Half Life assets? I don’t like to guarantee much, but I guarantee you this never gets done.

You’re kidding, right? We’re not talking about having to live somewhere despite the risk like the 1/3rd to 1/2 of America that could get hit by a tornado or a couple of fault lines you can minimize damage from through tighter construction regulations. These assholes built homes in the lava flow path of an active

Chicago is on the New Madrid fault line and it’s more active historically that the San Andreas. And as a life long Chicagoan, we are most certainly not outside tornado alley. I love Chicago, but there is no such thing as a place on Earth free from natural disaster risk. That being said building next to an active

Yep, must just be those successful white guys. As we all know, black, latino, and asian men never commit domestic violence. Welcome to the alternate reality where anti-white racism is societies norm and nobody else can do wrong.