
What kind of red wine? They affect the body differently. Also, this is bullshit. Diets are bullshit. Eat less sugar, less processed food, and more whole grains and get physical activity. It’s the only diet ever that works long term.

Bullshit. The diet tips are correct, but saying you can eat any amount you want is a load of bullshit. You need to burn more calories than you consume. I got serious about weight loss last November after a couple years of steadily gaining weight because my job is roughly 12-15 hours a day and involves very little

It exactly means canceled. It’s just typical PR corpspeak to ease the blow. Obviously they are not far enough along to keep going without a massive infuse of cash and they can’t go to the Kickstarter well twice and obviously they won’t compromise with the demands of a studio that could fund it. I’m calling bs on this

I want to know where that money went. Indie dev’s like the ones that made Hellblade did so for roughly the same amount with a team of 12 people and released something that looks far more polished than anything we saw of the SS remaster.

No, “you sold me down the river” will do, because it has nothing to do with race today and the person saying it shouldn’t feel guilt and nobody is offended by it other than people that desire nothing more than to be offended by something so they can pretend white knight for causes that don’t exist. I feel totally

Interesting article, but I won’t stop using any of those phrases because they aren’t racial in meaning anymore, they’re just slang and I have better and far more important things to concentrate on in life. This is just more bullshit by people that want to be offended by anything and white knight for everything, even

Yeah, the lack of a save anytime feature is a deal breaker for me and any game. If a dev can’t respect my time, then I don’t give them my money.

Minecraft is in dire need of a proper sequel. No more of this stupid “this entire year we’re adding the ability to use both hands, and fucking lamas! Yay, are you guys hard yet?”. I would love to see what Minecraft 2 could do with next gen hardware.

It’s a shame they don’t do it the right way, or I think they would make far more money. I think Bethesda have the right idea with the creation club even if it’s been poorly implemented so far. Release a base game and give it DLC for years. I thought Fallout 4 was a decent game that made a few big missteps, but if they

How is this moron popular?

It tastes exactly the same as Diet Coke. It still leaves that nasty aspertame aftertaste in my mouth. I’d rather just get regular coke and drink it less.

Oh look, more racist black hypocritical bullshit. 66% of black children are raised by single mothers vs. 23% for whites. Nice try, but you’re still dead beats. And Philly is more black than white, so try again. I live in Chicago and any time you want to compare black majority and white-asian-latino majority parts of

The one thing I don’t get about this project is why they are reintroducing the awful Oblivion skills and character advancement system. Oblivion can already be modded to look as good as Skyblivion right now. You would think the advantage of this mod is to play Oblivion with what is imho the far smoother and well

Sadly they are going to put the old systems in which to me kills the entire benefit of the mod in the first place. I can already mod Oblivion to look as good as those screenshots. The whole point should be to be able to play Oblivion with imho, Skyrim’s far superior gameplay.

As an American and a football fan, your written article is very interesting and actually a really good intro to the game. I always tell people that it’s like chess, but one side is on offense and one side is on defense and the pieces don’t all have the same benefits and limitation even if they are the same piece. But

“Missed opportunity” and “so close to being great” are quickly becoming the standard phrases for games coming out of Bethesda and it’s various studios. Fallout 4 was a few missteps away from greatness, Wolfenstein 2, Prey, and even Doom all had the same feeling that with just a few tweeks, a little more work and

I think we can still recognize what someone did in an industry, but he doesn’t deserve an award. The shitty treatment of women at Atari simply has to be part of the story when it’s told. His apology means nothing because no apology changes what has already happened and I’ve not met many people that every truly change.

You’re joking about the bartender, right? I pay my bartenders the lowest amount possible and they still usually walk out having made 20-30 dollars an hour, even more on the weekend. To pour drinks. You don’t tip them for handing you your food or pressing a couple buttons to run a credit card. Second if someone was not

You never tip on take out. As a restaurant owner and life long chef I can tell you that you absolutely do not tip someone for handing you your food over a counter. If you want to do right by the restaurant, then tell them to put in a tip jar for the kitchen staff since they do 95% of the work in a restaurant and

Twitch, Google and Valve also aren’t blights on society. Google is useful for getting information, Valve makes good games and I prefer Steam to the years of physical media, and Twitch is just there like any other form of entertainment that will sink or swim at the will of the people. Facebook does actual harm. They