
I think we can still recognize what someone did in an industry, but he doesn’t deserve an award. The shitty treatment of women at Atari simply has to be part of the story when it’s told. His apology means nothing because no apology changes what has already happened and I’ve not met many people that every truly change.

You’re joking about the bartender, right? I pay my bartenders the lowest amount possible and they still usually walk out having made 20-30 dollars an hour, even more on the weekend. To pour drinks. You don’t tip them for handing you your food or pressing a couple buttons to run a credit card. Second if someone was not

You never tip on take out. As a restaurant owner and life long chef I can tell you that you absolutely do not tip someone for handing you your food over a counter. If you want to do right by the restaurant, then tell them to put in a tip jar for the kitchen staff since they do 95% of the work in a restaurant and

Twitch, Google and Valve also aren’t blights on society. Google is useful for getting information, Valve makes good games and I prefer Steam to the years of physical media, and Twitch is just there like any other form of entertainment that will sink or swim at the will of the people. Facebook does actual harm. They

Facebook is easily ignored. I use it solely as a way to keep in touch with some long distance friends and that’s it. I used to be on multiple times a day, over the last year that’s dropped to once or less a month and that’s only to check any messages.If Facebook was gone tomorrow I wouldn’t even care, hell, I might

No, it’s an accurate argument. At the peak of their power, they got exactly one piece of their agenda passed and making the wealthy wealthier through tax cuts is something that appeals to those in control on both sides, sadly. The one piece of legislation passed returns us to the concept of trickle down economics

Rewarding people that broke our immigration laws is probably not the hill democrats want to die on, but on the other side, how can the GOP with control of the house, senate, and white house be so incompetent? They’ve barely been able to pass their own agenda, let alone actually govern effectively. When the republicans


Why did we want to keep the South again? We should have just fought to free the slaves, burned the confederate cities to the ground, and left the southerners to rot.

I hope they enjoy it while it lasts because they aren’t winning a superbowl with Bortles.

He was a national treasure. I got a hand job from him on my 12th birthday and it was magical.

Suicide is never a joke, get help immediately. Contact Jenny at 867-5309.

Some people don’t think its funny, or a tragedy. It’s a weak person or a mentally ill person that couldn’t handle life and made a choice to end it. And you sure as fuck don’t define the world for the rest of us, so shove your hallmark card comment right the fuck up your own ass. If I want to make a joke like “Reports

That’s exactly what a rapist would say.

The country needs better people to become politicians, not talk show hosts and reality tv stars. Trump will just be the horrible first shot if we don’t get qualified people into our top offices and business people don’t count. Politics is not business, it’s politics and requires a completely different skills set.

He became a republican because democrats actually have the ethics that republicans pretend to have. He knows the religious tools will forgive him if he says the word God.

I love how these frauds always invoke God and God’s so called forgiveness. If there is a God, spoiler alert there isn’t, I bet what he’d love more than being asked for forgiveness is for someone to not be an asshat in the first place and do the right thing so there’s nothing to forgive.

If your the kind of guy that turns down sex to play Earthbound, I’m pretty sure your girl always had to finish herself off.

Fucking Christ, what’s my girl doin when I’m in the middle of a Fallout New Vegas marathon? Fuck it, I don’t care.

Probably not. There is a size restriction to mods on Xbox and they block the ability to download the script extender which many larger and more involved mods require to function. It makes it nearly impossible for mods like this to work on a console. In the long run it’s cheaper to get a good PC and upgrade it than buy