
They don’t sell shitty on PC. That’s why more and more of these games are being released on PC. And yes, if I wanted to play console games, I’d buy a console. If you want me to play them on PC and give you my money, then I have basic expectations of better graphics options and proper PC controls. It isn’t a lot to

As a life long PC elitist, that isn’t true. The point being made is why limit the options when it isn’t necessary. It almost require more work to limit them then to just let them be adjusted.

Good post, though I would argue that a no value labor situation will come within a generation or two. They expect that in the US alone 50% of labor could be replaced with automation in the next 15 years. Not even just factory style work, but even things like lawyers could be automated via advances in AI. If everyone

I think he means that they never overthrew their own tyrants. The Communists led the leadership betray the original intent of the revolutions and instead of true Trotsky style communism, they just ended up with tyrants again.

I think it could work, but it needs a severe update. China’s essentially a communist political system with a mostly free market economy. If China’s political process opened up a bit and the wealth was more evenly distributed they would be much better off. China’s problem isn’t Communism, it’s that they kept the worst

Player Unknown’s Fertile Grounds, the collective farming sim where you don’t want to be the last guy standing without your crops planted. Desert map coming soon.

Stupid ideas aren’t to be debated, they’re to be called stupid ideas. Censorship is a bad idea, not a debatable one. Nobody in any government is more qualified to decide for me what I can and can’t consume as entertainment and education outside of things that can harm others and PUBG can’t harm others. If you are a

How the hell are they going to change the game to reflect proper values and communist ideas? Player Unknown’s Collective Farming Grounds. Don’t be the last to plant your soy crops.

Wow. and just when I thought you couldn’t be any dumber, I read this racist shit. I happen to have been white my whole life and I don’t even know what a tuna casserole is. Maybe you should try a little of that racial curiosity you seem to think we have and learn a little about white people. For instance it will

He’s completely correct. I played basketball through college and it was much easier for me to put that ball through the hoop and learn to play good D than it is for me to get good at Madden or headshot in PUBG. You don’t think it is because you are a casual gamer. My friend Derrick competes in Madden at the tournament

Wrong on both. Esports are sports, and gold is as well.

Nobody is talking about you playing online chess. We’re talking about professionals that work hard to get good at a skill. I played college basketball and was pretty good at it. I still can’t get good enough at Madden to beat my friend Derrick and I can’t line up a distance headshot in PUBG to save my life. He’s only

Sports are challenges of skill so esports is sports. I played basketball through college and I was good at it because I put in the work, but also because I was naturally tall and athletic. I did nothing to earn that build, it just happened. The work I put in was the skill it took to shoot a ball in a hoop well and

Pretty sure the lesson here should be that you don’t communicate relationship issues through notes written in videogame languages. Be thankful it’s over, she was clearly a child.

Was the sick feeling something you’ve experienced in other VR titles or was it specific to this one. I ask because I haven’t experienced it yet, and I’m really looking forward to Skyrim and Fallout 4 on VR.

Anyone dumb enough to go to church and believe in fairy tales is an asshole.

ROFL! There’s no way to read that story and not hear Yakity Sax playing in the background. A shame the religious gun loons survived though. What a waste of ammunition.

I’ll never understand why a LGBT man or woman will act so against their own interests, but it happens all the time. So many of these conservatives and religious loons that preach anti-gay hatred turn out to be gay. Its never made any sense to me.

So we should believe all people that accuse a white man of a crime, but all black people that are accused of a crime should be considered innocent until proven guilty? WE shouldn’t “believe” anything either way, that’s what our court system is for. There is nothing more dangerous than a society that takes justice into

LOL! And with all the complaining, justifiably so, about EA’s microtransactions we’re not going to get into Paradox’s DLC policy which is by far the most vile in gaming. To get the full experience of CK2, EU4, HOI, and Stellaris costs more than a new gaming PC. The original game as an experience company continues to