You can force-swipe from the left edge on the iPhone 6s through iPhone 8, and swipe on the home bar on the X to change apps.
You can force-swipe from the left edge on the iPhone 6s through iPhone 8, and swipe on the home bar on the X to change apps.
Mine are labeled “Lucy’s Room” who the hell is Lucy?
Yes, Audi Field for the DC United.
The DC games could potentially be played at United Stadium, within the confines of Washington D.C.
Mike “Doc” Emrick is how it’s spelt.
Love that you went to the “you hit like a girl” response, you dumb drunk bastard you.
Story time!
I used the Lyft version of Pool while in SF last year. I started with just normal Lyft rides, but then swapped over to Pool on the 2nd day. It added an extra 10 minutes or so to each trip, but I wasn’t in a rush so whatever. It also kept the cost of the rides to under $5 which made them free with my new rider promo.…
That thing, that thing you did there, I saw it.
The Electoral College, overall, doesn’t have a ton of power. So many electoral votes are directly tied to the states popular vote that they are little more than a wasted step at this point.
The 2016 models (available late 2015) were available in a handful of states, including mine (Maryland). I love it, I’ve had it for almost a year now, and still every time I drive it I think to myself, “I’m driving the future.”
e-Golf. Aside from the lack of exhaust pipes and a blue line across the grill it looks exactly like a Golf, inside and out.
Bailouts of GM, Crystler, and Ford come to mind...
Why? You can’t put the ball out of the back of the endzone without having the ball in the endzone in that situation. Immediately that’d be a touchdown before the touchback would be able to take effect.
Teams take the field prior to the anthem. By remaining in the tunnel, even if just barely, they still weren’t on the field for the anthem.
Not sure if you’re being serious or not. But charging cases only charge on their back because of the extremely limited range of induction charging. Meaning the charging coils would have to block the screen in order to allow it to charge face down.
Biggest issue with this is that most trucks don’t stay with their trailer all the time. Especially for the warehouse to store section of the journey. When a truck will dock the trailer in the loading bay then head back to the warehouse with a previously docked trailer. You’d need to outfit your entire fleet to be…
Incorrect. Anything that is always on is a battery drain. Not everything that is always on is a big battery drain.
Lets think logically about the points you raised:
You missed the joke. About 20 years back the the Northeast had a pitcher originally from the DR who stood a foot taller than the “big kids” and looked like he was about 2 years older too. But he had a totally legit, probably not faked, ok it was probably fake, birth certificate that showed him as being the proper age…